


5 years, 2 months ago


name: korin

gender: whats a "gender" (any pronouns, afab)

race: dragonborn (white / chameleon [changes color randomly every level])

class: bard (instrument is a ukulele)

alignment: chaotic good

created and being used for a campaign at my local library. party consists of a high elf cleric, a drow sorcerer, and a wood elf monk (plus a tiefling druid that shows up sometimes)

-- backstory --

background: entertainer (storyteller) 

bond: my instrument was given to me by a dear friend

-kinda just,,, normal average life yknow

-traveled around with their best friend

-said friend went on a quest and brought back a bracelet that korin put on, now its stuck to their wrist whoops

-and now they keep getting dragged on quests cause trouble is attracted to them (or vice versa)! wild

-so yeah theyre trying to get that bracelet off

so far in the campaign...

-found a deserted town with their party

-promptly got locked in the graveyard, fought some skeletons 

-fell into a coffin, that was fun

-broke one of their ukulele strings (dm says its the "meanest thing [hes] ever done as a dm)

-party got locked in the mausoleum and found themselves in a twisting maze

-fought some more zombies

-obtained a clock shield that freezes time when theyre holding it with both hands

-also obtained a strange gem (they think its just a normal gem. im Suspicious)

-fought some giant spiders, killed two of them SINGLEHANDLY (crit 20'd on one, killed it with their enchanted rapier / used their shield and bashed one to death)

-and thats where we're at!