
8 years, 1 month ago


┊┊✧ Name:

 Hotaru Tanaka

┊┊✧ Species:


┊┊✧ Gender:


┊┊✧ Age:


┊┊✧ Personality:

Peppy to a fault it's like she doesn't have an off button unless she perceives a threat to her desires and becomes a sadistic girl who takes pleasure in describing in detail what she plans to do to people. Protective and clingy she's not afraid to do everything in her power to keep those close to her close even outside the bounds of the law.

┊┊✧ History:

Rue as she likes to be called grew up a single child to a single father who spent most of his times over seas working leaving her in the care of a nanny. Growing strongly attached to her she was devastated when she was killed when out shopping throwing her into a crazed sense of mind she'd never lose any one again so long as she could help it even if it meant killing them herself so they couldn't leave her. She took several self defense classes and took to baking and cooking building an array of knives in her home.

┊┊✧ Additional Information:

:bulletpink: She's 5'3" in height
:bulletred: She likes to wear frilly things but has a 'down time' outfit that she uses when cooking and such that consists of jeans and a tank top
:bulletpink: She likes to braid her hair over and over as a nervous habit she also bites her hair when nervous
:bulletred: Hearts are her favorite design