


8 years, 1 month ago


Tibumeru is a species owned by please refer to their page and the group on devaint for more information!

Name:: Thunder

★ Gender:: Female
★ Appears:: 15
★ Actual Age::  24
★ Height:: 5'2"
★ Personality:: 
Bubbly, Inquisitive, Stubborn, Standby
 Bubbly- She's very loud and chipper hard to feel down. She tends to find awe in many things
Inquisitive- Curious to a point of stupidity she' soften sticking her nose where she shouldn't
Stubborn- when she makes up her mind it's nigh impossible to change it unless by force.
Standby- She doesn't like to fight but she loves to watch them from the sidelines.

+Helping out
+Watching from the sidelines
+The moon
+Collecting Sunken treasures (She loves to collect coins the most)

-Fighting (She's not a pacifist she just doesn't want to be beat because she knows she'll lose |D)
-Sweet things

★ Hobbies:: She enjoys Collecting a variety of things from human ship wrecks her favorite being coins; but her second and most common hobby is collecting fish int he basket she ties to her tail and keeping some in a few traps she stole from fishermen that are in her home

★ Skills::
 Catching Fish (She uses the bait basket), weaving flower crowns

★ History::

A long time ago but not as long as you may think a young set of  Tibumeru clung to the remains of an old ship as the female gave birth to a set of twins while a storm raged above. in honor of the storm the two were named Lightning and Thunder. The fault of the birth had caused the mother to bleed out leaving the father to take the children way teaching them their basic skills he could. When they reached 10 years the brother took charge of the sister and they bid their father farewell swimming off to look at the world for themselves. The brother, Lightning, took charge and aimed to protect his sister as they traveled the oceans always being the one to get into fights while he barked at his sister to hide in sea weed or the like. Maybe fights had left him scarred but thanks to his sister's love of catching fish he normally was able to fix himself up. 
One day while in a southern area unfamiliar to the sibling sharks Lightning got into a fight urging his sister to hide in the rocks. the fight went fast the older sharks overpowering the younger boy. In haste Thunder searched and searched but to her dismay the area was barren of fish long gone from an old human village over fishing the area. She swam back to her brother only to watch as he floated dead in the water. Her brain acting fast she passed out and woke a bit away caught in a current wondering what she was doing. As she swam she found an old basket in the water a few fish inside it. She used her teeth biting through the rope and took it with her so she'd always have fish for what ever reason...

★ Bad Habits, or Specific Traits::

+She tends to nibble on the fish in her basket absentmindedly despite having them for emergencies
+She tends to sleep in water as if doing a headstand. 
x While she doesn't like to fight herself she loves watching all out brawls for the hope she can be of use
x She's Pretty stubborn 
x She doesn't remember her brother or his death so she forgets time to time why she carries the basket with fish

★ Legend::

A long time ago there was a time where humans couldn't decide to live on land or water. And in time they were divided over those who stayed and those who went. Those remaining in the sea hid from the humans who had forgotten their birthplace.

★ Theme Songs::

★ Extra::  
She likes to eat flowers
Likes raising fish
Scared of the dark but loves the moon
has trouble putting her own hair up
She's 4'10" 
her design is based off of a Nurse shark (hence her like of helping/carrying fish'bandaids') and a Marlin (hence she's fast)

★ Stats::

    Lv. 1
    >> HP ;; ★ 5
    >> ATTACK ;; ★ 2
    >> DEFENSE ;; ★ 3
    >> SPEED ;; ★ 5
    >> INTELLIGENCE ;; ★ 5

    >> WEAKEST STAT ;; Attack
    >> STRONGEST STAT ;;  Speed