
Name - Dawn

Gender - Pangender

Orientation - Demi-Panromantic Bisexual

Personality - Soft, Cuddly, Absolute Dork, Affectionate

Playlist - Click!

Writing -

She's always loved the stars. They've.... comforted her in her darkest times.
When her friends left her stranded
When her mother passed from the things she couldn't, and wouldn't, quit
When her father would come into her room and scream over the smallest things
When she was left with no family

And they comforted her when she found hope, or rather, when she found Hope.
Hope was a shining star to him. Someone to pull him out of the deep depression he had fallen into.
Comforted him with his bright stars and dazzling smile
With his soft words and rambling chats that would last late into the night
With his soft fur that seemed to encapsulate his cold heart and warm it from the freezing cold it had been left at.

They felt safe with her.
They felt at home with her.
They felt Hope with her.
And they're entirely grateful for that.

Moodboard -


All Breedings are Reserved for Dawn x Hope

1. Reserved (Mine) - Used

2. Reserved (Mine) - Used

3. Reserved (Mine) - Unused

4. Reserved (Mine) - Unused

5. Reserved (Mine) - Unused

6. Reserved (Mine) - Unused