


5 years, 1 month ago



Name Leon
Designer Kwindom
Gender Male
ObtainedBought from Kwindom
Significant Other None
Rules May gift, trade, or resell
Species Lion

RoleAthletic student


  • Leon is a minor! (In high school). Please do not under any circumstances depict him in any adult or inappropriate manners/settings. 

This little ball of energy never seems to get tired and will gladly participate in any sports or physical activity without a second thought. His favorite is basketball- but he loves track and field too. He might have his insecurities- but he's goofy, charming, and optimistic despite it, and generally really easy to get along with. He's a bit of a drama queen (In the most entertaining way) and definitely a class clown. 

Though good at physical feats, he struggles with academic and numerical learning as he doesn't really have a long attention span. He's almost always pushing himself beyond his limits and getting hurt as a result, and breaks limbs at least once or twice a year. He also lacks the motivation to brush his mane and can always be found pretty scraggly as a result. 

He's the kind of friend who can get a little annoying if you aren't in the mood for his goofing around- but he means the best and is loyal to a fault to those who stand by him. 


  • He can't roar yet, and he's pretty insecure about it.

Leon is the "Runt" son of his small country's king, the youngest of 6 brothers and dead last in the line for any real authority or responsibility. 

He throws himself into sports in school because he's dreadfully insecure about being the smallest/weakest of his brothers, and knows he never has a chance to be real nobility since all of the advisory and king-ly affiliated spots within their government have been taken by other members of his family. As a result, he often feels like he's disappointing his family because he's the only kid stuck with the unfortunate task of making something of himself on his own. 

He over-compensates to stave off feeling alone and facing his own fears of abandonment, since his mother consistently raves about how she wanted a daughter and got none at all, giving up after Leon was born. Growing up he was always stepped on and dismissed as a kid, while his brothers went to aristocrat training he was left outside to play on his own in the garden with sticks and fake swords, as a result he has little real connection or bond with his family since they largely ignored him. 

Despite his neglectful home life- that doesn't keep this young lion down one bit! 


  • Sports
  • Goofing off
  • Making people smile
  • Junk food

  • Dissapointing his family
  • Being ignored
  • Broccoli
  • Getting in trouble

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.