
8 years, 1 month ago






"The Silent Joker"</blockquote>







Grey Joker


[S]pecies skill


Freezing Time





Bullet; Black Very keen on following the rules to the T. Does not appreciate them being broken.


Bullet; Black Hard to get under his skin. Calm in almost all situations minus moments of sanity.

Bullet; Black He's often there when he's needed and rarely when he's not.

Bullet; Black He doesn't pick favorites. His book is his only favorite making him a impartial judge who's 'fair'</blockquote>



Bullet; White Again he's rather obsessed with his book feeding it and appearing to have conversations with it even without speaking. He does not let people touch it.


Bullet; White He wears a mask so you cannot get a read off him making it hard to know if you've overstepped a rule and he's pissed or not.

Bullet; White Being reminded of his time above ground.

Bullet; White Athena's sister gets under his skin and he does not like it one bit.</blockquote>



[P]ower Point Right 2

[S]peed Point Right 3

[A]gility Point Right 3

[W]ill Point Right 2

[M]agic Point Right 5


[P]referred fighting style

Does not fight only watches


[L]ist of special attacks






Quiet | Mad | Remorseful | Sticks to the book | Depressed | Vengeful | Violent


Malice is a quite man who regrets the things he's done. He only keeps himself around due to the madness that wonderland seeped into him leaving him in a daze of numbness. This daze is where he keeps to the books and makes sure they are followed and likes to punish those who break them giving him his name of 'Malice'. He doesn't mind sharing tea but be sure to ask before sitting or he'll pour boiling water on your skull. Despite his calm nature he can show he can be violent and is known to throw objects when upset or in his moments of sanity when he recalls everything he's ever done and just vents it out.






The rare wonderlander to be born above the land Malice started his life amongst those of the upper earth,but t the time he was known as Mathew. A student gifted in piano and words he was a poster child of well behaved following all rules to a T. As he grew older he slowly began to black out. Rather he'd have moments time seemed to stop for him. It drove him almost madness his only point to keeping calm was a young woman named Athena with long blonde hair and soft eyes; who's words would ease the ache in his head. As Mathew reached his 13thyear his mother told him the truth about his father and took him to see him underground. On his request Athena was brought as well and the children played for a while in the Mad hatter's tea party. As he grew older the hatter influence grew stronger and he would exhibit fits of madness; where he'd throw items and scream about time needing to be killed. Athena's ability to calm him grew less and less until he snapped listening to the voice of a whisper. H e s ne d h e w m an he loved bo n d e r f s h i o a m ns tr o us bo ok. When he came too and saw what he had done he fell fully into madness refusing to speak. He took to wearing a mask and stopped going above ground remaining in the underworld. When approached by a Cheshire about a tournament the whisperings returned so he followed suit. He knew he and Athena would need to keep things in line.</blockquote>





Don't ask to remove the mask it won't end well

Malice doesn't like to be reminded of the above world for he was once part of it

Athena athena athena athena

He likes to drink latte's when he can get them.

You will not see him remove the mask even when eating or drinking. He wont let you see.