Gabriel Eivor



5 years, 20 days ago



Name Gabriel

Surname Eivor (married) Evans (before)

Gender Male

Orientation Homosexual

Species Gifted

Power Fire and Eelectricity

Theme Song Name

HTML Pinky


Write a little intro paragraph or two here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante. Aliquam magna libero, dictum sit amet scelerisque ac, scelerisque tincidunt magna. Nulla et consectetur diam. Aliquam ipsum mi, tristique sed vestibulum ac, aliquet eget magna. Aliquam quis fringilla erat. Morbi sollicitudin id lorem eu efficitur. Mauris varius id magna vitae ullamcorper.

Donec ut nulla fringilla mi sodales mattis. Morbi sit amet congue justo, quis pretium ante. Aliquam nec pretium massa. Suspendisse erat eros, congue non malesuada in, sagittis volutpat erat. Quisque cursus pretium ligula, efficitur sodales velit malesuada at. Vestibulum et turpis ut odio sagittis efficitur. Morbi congue urna odio. Proin maximus, elit eget tincidunt iaculis, neque urna interdum diam, eget pharetra tellus dui vitae nisl.


Height Content

Build Content

Eyes Content

Skin Tone Content

Hair Color Content

Hair Style Content

Demeanor Content


  • His hair hair reaches almost to his feets. Usually has his hair down with a few tiny bread, often with part of hair tied back, but sometimes his husband combs his hair in one big braid.
  • His hair can change color depending on what power he uses, purple if electricity and orange gold if fire.
  • He likes cozy clothes, everyhing that would be comfortable to wear during drawing or painting.
  • He likes to wear purple or some natural colors.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Gabriel is very caring and friendly person,that always have time for his family, even when he work a lot. Sometimes he gets angry to easily, and use his powers without control, but its always over small things and own mistakes. He don't likes to fight with others and rather avoid that.



Especially when his husband make them, its the best dish in the world.


Not because already two cat familiars living under his roof. Fluffy squishy and nice little creatures.


He started drawing when he was kid, and made it his passion for life. He like to learn more about various technices and trying new things.


He started to read it because of his husband, they both have some volumes and enjoys reading.


His publisher

A guy who always have something to say about his art or his comic book. Its usualy a constructive criticism, but its tiring.

Dislike 2

List something they dislike then give a small description about it/why they like it.

Dislike 3

List something they dislike then give a small description about it/why they like it.

Dislike 4

List something they dislike then give a small description about it/why they like it.


A Painting

Beside of digital art, his favorite medium is paint. He loves using acrylics or oil paint, usualy he use it to paint landscapes, flowers, or his favorite model, Fabian. Sometimes he also paint other family members or Soleil and Luna in their cat forms.

A Comic book

Decision about creating own comic book after years of making book illustration was suden, but it got pretty popular, more than he expected. He likes to discovers new fanarts and fanfictions relating to his works.

A table

Once he burned a table when he failed to make clear lineart on his artwork. At the same day he went to shop together with Soleil and they buyed identical one as the table that got burned. Nobody ever noticed it, and he said about it his husband nearly 18 years later when similar thing happened to their son.

A fire

While his powers heavily depends on his mood, not only anger can cause a fire. Gabriel sometimes just burns with excitement! Suprisingly its not a harmful fire, its warm but it can't hurt anybody.

A dress

There was an idea in the cafe to make a day when workers wear an uniform opposite to their gender. Nobody agreed to actually make it, but Gabriel took this one maid dress home. Sometimes he wears it to tease his husband a little.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam blandit vel nibh feugiat pellentesque. Vivamus posuere blandit lobortis. In vitae lectus quam. Sed aliquam dolor a imperdiet finibus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas in porta velit. Nunc faucibus mi ac nisi iaculis ultricies. Morbi sit amet ultricies tellus. Nunc accumsan neque metus, vitae porttitor risus iaculis ut. Vivamus commodo consequat magna vel volutpat. Fusce aliquam quam neque, eu maximus quam convallis et.

Quisque quis posuere arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam in sem non sem efficitur aliquet. Donec ac convallis lorem, eu mattis metus. Etiam bibendum justo vel turpis malesuada, et malesuada purus condimentum. Proin suscipit ac arcu a vestibulum. Vivamus lacinia urna eget eleifend suscipit. In vestibulum feugiat auctor. Phasellus ac ornare nibh. Integer condimentum placerat velit, id mollis massa gravida nec. Ut at turpis ut nisl sollicitudin aliquet. Phasellus pretium feugiat eros, vitae aliquam nibh ullamcorper nec.


Donec condimentum velit turpis, sed tincidunt nisl egestas eu. Vestibulum lorem neque, placerat id arcu a, commodo ultrices arcu. Etiam rhoncus a tellus eu faucibus. Duis egestas velit ac est fermentum efficitur. Quisque nec tincidunt ante, quis maximus augue. Integer sit amet suscipit ligula. Duis vehicula sapien in lorem venenatis, sit amet sagittis lectus consectetur. Suspendisse potenti. In suscipit ut leo sagittis rutrum. Nam sed turpis quis ligula molestie lobortis nec quis nulla. Nulla dignissim vehicula elementum. Duis neque erat, lacinia interdum massa eu, interdum aliquet lorem. Aenean volutpat mattis viverra. Mauris consequat consectetur lobortis. Ut pulvinar dictum enim, non auctor leo luctus at. Mauris euismod ut nunc id tristique.


Donec ut nulla fringilla mi sodales mattis. Morbi sit amet congue justo, quis pretium ante. Aliquam nec pretium massa. Suspendisse erat eros, congue non malesuada in, sagittis volutpat erat. Quisque cursus pretium ligula, efficitur sodales velit malesuada at. Vestibulum et turpis ut odio sagittis efficitur. Morbi congue urna odio. Proin maximus, elit eget tincidunt iaculis, neque urna interdum diam, eget pharetra tellus dui vitae nisl.

Nulla a mollis orci. Nulla sed odio suscipit, pulvinar dui ac, porttitor nibh. Aliquam tincidunt, justo quis feugiat vulputate, nunc justo lobortis eros, vitae mattis turpis lacus quis arcu. Morbi fermentum, eros a viverra imperdiet, mi leo rutrum nisi, in eleifend sem metus eu odio. Duis congue, tortor eget sodales mattis, dui velit dignissim lorem, quis commodo est purus sit amet urna. Fusce ac interdum libero. Vivamus imperdiet ullamcorper nisi eu porttitor. Praesent consequat, turpis sit amet lobortis rhoncus, mi magna feugiat velit, a tincidunt nisl diam sit amet sapien. Donec nisi lacus, sodales vitae diam quis, vehicula pellentesque ante. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Integer feugiat mauris risus, in luctus metus bibendum sed.





Fabian Eivor


Love of his live. They meet each other first when they were young, and fell in love very quickly, and stayed together forever. They both care for each other deeply, even in the hardest time and love to reminisce about old times together.


Keith Eivor


A tiny miracle that appeared unexpectedly. Gabriel always tried to be the best father he can be, even tho sometimes he doubt if he did everything right, and wonder if his beloved son actualy sees him as a good father.




Familiar that come in the form of cat. He quickly become a part of the family, propably one of the most chaotic part but still a lovable one. Gabriel sometime sees him as a close friend or even little brother.