Falan Shimmer-Mist



5 years, 5 months ago


An earth elf performer. 

Earth elves go by many names, tree elf, land elf, nature elf. The list goes on. They are incredibly in-tuned with nature, both the botany and animalistic side of it. They do poorly in cities due to the pollution of the other beast folk and humans, though some still push themselves to adapt and become part of a community.

Falan is particularly out of touch with his roots, he serves as a performer in one of the busiest taverns outside of one you may find in Revoulsh. He lives comfortably in the freezing climate of Rivarin, and performs for drunk and happy crowds of people. Keeping his elven identity hidden.

His voice is described as enchanted, and some believe he hexes the people he performs to- in actuality there is no such thing, but Falan finds it rather charming in a way.

Falan is by no means a warrior, he carries a small, thin dagger on himself for protection, and possesses absolutely no magical capabilities, his accent is horribly thick, due to the fact he was born and raised in Shadouin, rather than his home land.