
NAME: Dorian Edwards

AGE: 26
GENDER: male
SEXUALITY: he’s not into labels.

OCCUPATION: antiques/art shop owner, misunderstood artist

BIO: Born to wealthy, loving parents, who made their money renting out houses and properties. He was a sensitive, artistic child, and had trouble connecting with his peers.  This was partially due to his albinism, and more substantially to the fact that he was simply strange.  Dorian was fascinated by the macabre and taboo; a love for ghost stories as a child, an appreciation for bloody horror movies as he grew older, obsessive perusal of body mod and real-life gore websites as a teen.

Dorian graduated high school with fair marks, after which he attended art college to pursue painting.  His parents died of carbon monoxide poisoning when he was 22.  Foul play was suspected, but no suspects were named.  As an only child, he was the recipient of their entire decently-sized estate, including the charming antiques shop that had been a family business for years. He dropped out of art school to take care of it, although with the size of the estate he inherited, it’s more hobby than anything. He has expanded wares to include high-end art supplies and contracts local artists to display their works. He displays his own works on the walls as well.

Of course, those aren’t his favorite works.  

Tucked into a locked back corner of the winding, sprawling property is where he makes his real art.  His preferred medium is human bodies. Dorian cuts intricate, elaborate patterns into his victims and rolls the bleeding results across canvases.  Some of these abstract, patterned pieces are sold, but his favorites are all kept. 

He enjoys experimenting with scarification, generally equipped with razors and scalpels. Caustic substances like black salve have also produced interesting results. Bodies are discarded with the use of his mother’s old pottery kiln. 

PERSONALITY: Dorian is, in a word, intense.  He takes himself and his work seriously.  He’s moody, introspective, and withdrawn.  He considers himself superior to others and is condescending towards the sheep he’s surrounded by.  He considers most commercial entertainment is below him. Entitled and egotistical.

He’s sadomasochistic and intrigued by body modifications.  He’s searching for the perfect design for himself, but satisfies himself by practicing on others until he’s found it.  A rotating gallery of surface piercings helps tide him over.

Dorian also runs a store, and is more than capable of maintaining a public persona.  He is polite, quiet, and helpful.  He comes across as shy and introverted, a thoughtful and tragic orphan.  He holds people at an arm’s length, and has little interest in most people.

RELATIONSHIPS: Only notable person in his life is Quinn, his photographer boyfriend.  Quinn gets him.  The man appreciates good art.

APPEARANCE:  Dorian has albinism. He has very fair skin stretched over a slender frame and fine silver hair that grows neatly out past his ears.  He has extremely fair eyes, a light blue-grey, pinkish to red in strong light. Dorian’s face is thin and pinched. 

Multiple facial piercings: tongue stud, snakebite hoops on lower lip, septum ring, bridge, surface piercing over left brow, gauged ears, and industrial bars. Rotating cast of collarbone and back surface piercings. Nipple barbells. Ask yourself if you think he has genital piercings. You know what the answer is.

Edgy, gothy punk sensibilities.  Owns and wears leather pants without a trace of irony or shame.

OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES: Dorian has poor eyesight and thick bifocal glasses he prefers not to wear in public.  He doesn’t like to wear his tinted contacts, either. As someone who suffers from light sensitivity, he predictably, constantly gets photophobic migraines.  Wears large, extremely dark sunglasses and long sleeves when out. Burns quickly and severely. 

RESIDENCE: Lives on the second story of his shop, where he grew up. 

LIKES: body modification, heavy metal, green smoothies, incense, weird Japanese horror, provocative art
DISLIKES: bright lights, musicals, cream in coffee, Disney, consumer-friendly art

TALENTS: Unique multimedia art.  He has a very steady hand.

He’s a decent salesman as well -- a bit of an off-putting presence, but has a good eye for what someone will like. 

FUN FACT: Enjoys buying trips for the antiques shop, and enjoys maintaining the shop. Maintains it himself, apart from a biweekly janitor.  Most of his money comes from the large number of properties he’s inherited.