Oriflamme Glacier



5 years, 1 month ago


** Oriflamme can give one the impression of a living porcelain doll- An impression that is only strengthened by how little he physically emotes. His cool symmetric features are utterly passive and unreadable, as is his nonexistent body language unless he explicitly decides to make his feelings known. At 5'7, Sen lacks any apparent defined musculature and appears more suited to daintily perching at tea tables than he does pretty much anything else- There's a wispy quality to him that suggests his being in danger of being unbalanced by a mere breeze. 

**  He isn't just honest- he can be painfully blunt without a care for mincing or sugarcoating his words. It doesn't matter who he's speaking to or what situation hinges on his not mouthing off- Ori tells it as he sees it. Oriflamme has a short fuse but one that rarely actually 'blows'. It doesn't take much to rile him up, but he can maintain his coolly clinical mindset without losing himself to anger or irritation. In fact Ori generally attempts to maintain some modicum of decorum, whilst having zero patience for small talk and niceties. While his quiet arrogance isn't exactly conducive to the practice, Oriflamme loves to teach and help others if it's within his ability to do so. If not, it depends on the person and nature of their problem. Though straightforward and resolutely no-nonsense, Oriflamme truly does care for others- A select few others. He has a bit of a pack-mind in which very few people actually matter to him. 

**  While his arrogance is less obtrusive, Ori's vanity is apparent in his tendency to seek out reflective surfaces and frequent fussing with his hair or clothes. He hates mornings with a passion, as every single one of his abilities are most difficult to control when he's barely awake. Oriflamme is pretty much always eating or at least talking about eating- His powers take a lot of physical energy. And he also just really loves food, which might explain his iron stomach and seemingly magical ability to pull snacks out of thin air. Though he can project the aura of a Cold, Wealthy Scion, Ori is surprisingly clingy with those he likes and harbors a fondness for children