


5 years, 1 month ago
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In case I keep:

Iqirax is a stubborn, grumpy, and irritable. Once he sets his mind on something it is hard to change his mind, he also isn't really one to listen to orders well. Often grumpy, smiling is a very rare sight for anyone to see when it comes to him. He is afraid to snap at anyone who annoys him and grumbles a lot, especially when stuck around young children, overly confident brats of all ages, and useless airheads. If not alreayd obvious he's easily irritable. Anything and everything seems to bother him and he has little to no friends. He does have what he calls colleagues though who he spends a lot of time debating with and sharing new discoveries and techniques with, but he would hardly call them friends.

Iqirax is a very talented wizard despite the lack of eyes. Some swear he has some magical way that he can see, or that he gave up his eyes for more power. He neither confirms or denies any of these theories. Very wise, he likes to debate, study, go to meetings and seminars, and experiment. Iqirax absolutely hates teaching though. He is not a cruel or mean wizard though and prefers to use his abilities to improve the lives of others; making potions to improve crop and plant growth, discovering new and better healing magic and potions, magically looking for signs of danger so he can alert the proper authorities before it occurs, among other ways he can use his abilities as a wizard to help others. He just hates admitting that he actually has a heart deep down.

Obtained from Spica.