


5 years, 1 month ago



Name: zenix

Height: 175 cm / 5'8

Species: avian

Year: 4

Age: 16

Gender: male (they\them)

Birthday: june 9th

Affiliation: affairs committee

Zenix was born with a malformation in his primary feathers that made him incapable of ever taking flight. Due to this, he immediately became a outcast in his community, deemed a ‘penguin’. This term is offensive in their culture (Flightless bird is as well), and so, the child was ostracized for something he could never control. He grew up as the community's laughing stock, facing challenges left and right due to accessibilities issues. Since he couldn't fly, he couldn't access most of places in his town either.

Zenix grew tired of the constant ridicule, so he decides to flee away when he was old enough; He did so with little to no problem, nobody wanted him there anyway.

Now away from the cycle of abuse, he relished the part of his life that his peers would find blasphemous, cherishing the feeling of dirt beneath his feet and the shade of the trees. At long last, the flightless bird learned to live below the sky.

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Design Notes:
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Nulla blandit odio urna, sit amet pulvinar lacus finibus vitae.
  • Nulla hendrerit, dolor eu mattis mollis, libero enim aliquet ex, vel varius massa felis at orci.
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