AB $2 Jules



5 years, 1 month ago




  • Name Julia "Jules" Cavaco
  • Age 23
  • Height 5 foot 1
  • Occupation Store employee
  • Sexuality Straight
  • Personality

    Jules is a laid back girl. She loves to hang out in her small town. She does not live in a great area, so there is a lot of underdeveloped areas and broken down buildings. She got into smoking weed at 14 and continues to this day. She does not do any dangerous drugs, and only the natural ones like shrooms, weed, and other thigns.

  • Appearance

    Jules has caramel brown hair with blonde streaks near the front. Her body build is average but she definately carries some weight. Her skin is toned and her eyes are vibrant. Her face has a hard burn on the right side of her face.

  • Likes Mac & Cheese, Weed, Old movies
  • Dislikes Break-Ins, Hot stoves, Crackheads
  • Backstory

    Jules grew up in a small town with her parents and small dog. When she did not attend college, her parents sent her to live with her Grandmother and she stays there to this day working. She lives cheap but does not mind it. She ended up dealing some drugs for extra cash and that was fine until she got broken into. Now Jules chills out and helps her grandmother anyway she can.