
5 years, 6 months ago


It’s all mine.  Everything is mine.

Name:  Avaritia 

Nicknames / Aliases:  Ava, Queen of All Opulence 

Age:  Appears to be in her late 20s to early 30s

Gender:  Cis Woman (She/Her)

Sexuality:  Lesbian

Height/Weight:  5 ft 10 in/115 lbs

Sin:  Greed

Personality:  A social butterfly, Avaritia uses this to her advantage in order to swindle and con others.  She gets distracted easily (usually by something shiny).  But in cons, she knows how to keep her focus.  She’s is well mannered and proper, showing respect to anyone.  Ava is super confident and sassy.  Her tendency to hoard her makes reluctant to offer anything.  Be it monetary help or just her getting off her high pedestal to help someone.  Ava enjoys living lavishly and spends money as fast as she makes it.  She holds herself in high regard.

Occupation:  Politician and leader of Demons under the Sin of Greed, jeweler and metalsmith, sells gold on the side


  • Standard Demon Abilities 
  • Midas Touch - gold mimicry, can also turn objects into gold
  • Ferrokinesis - metal manipulation; while she can manipulate any metal, she is best at controlling precious metals (gold, silver, etc)
  • Lapidekinesis - gemstone manipulation
  • Nails are made of diamonds
  • Good at organizing things
  • She‘s an expert jeweler and metalsmith
  • Spiked High Heels - The spikes on her shoes are actually sharpened diamonds.  She can basically kick someone while stabbing them at the same time.  The blades on the heel are cursed objects, so it allows Ava (a Demon) to hurt Angels.  The rest of the heel isn’t cursed, just the stabby bits.
  • Can induce and sense feelings of avarice.  This can range from not wanting to spend money on something to blowing it all on something outrageously expensive.


  • Gold mimicry is limited to her arms, legs, tail, and horns.  Nails are excluded
  • Turning objects into gold is permanent. 


  • Voice Actor:  TBA
  • Theme:  The Marriage of the Figaro Overture – W.A. Mozart
    • Historically, operas are associated with the upper class and wealth.  Many operas were originally commissioned by the wealthy nobility.
    • Very flourishing and confident piece, fit for a professional woman like Ava
  • Design Notes:
  • Angelic Counterpart:  Michael
  • Romantic partner of Luxuria.  Ava endlessly showers Ria with kisses and hugs.  Ria gives Ava gifts.  The two of them basically indulge each other’s desires.  All the gift giving aside, the two of them talk to each other a lot and can be open and honest around one another.
    • Ria is the most protective out of the two of them.  She would 100% fight a seraphim to protect her girlfriend.
  • When trying to persuade someone, Avaritia talks very fast and smoothly.
  • Much of her wealth comes from selling gold.  Much of the gold she sells comes from transforming things into gold (old papers, rotten food, etc).
  • Likes expensive drinks.  Her favorite is champagne.
  • Always keeps her nails/claws long and sharp.