Ryke Ariachi



5 years, 1 month ago


Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Likes: F1, Cars, Automotive History
Dislikes: NASCAR, Oval Circuits, Lewis Hamilton
Backstory: As a young child, he was left with his dad very often. That dad of his was an alcoholic and had nearly no job except for his rich family. Rich enough to get Ryke into Karting early. In which he had won and lost in his early years. Until he reached his teenage years where he started to get faster and faster no matter where he was. He finished first in nearly every race. Then one day, being in 5th place, Ryke didnt like that, so he played dirty. That kind of dirty got him into a accident which sent him into the stands. And of who he would injure, would be his father. Whom never left the hospital alive. Leading up to the current day.

Personality: Most of the time nothing can really bring him down. He's really a do first think later attitude, and will try his best to convince others to let him do what he wants for any purpose or goal