


8 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Paired with

Kanse (Trunks)


April 22nd (Taurus)






Orisu (adoptive sister), Shòna (adoptive sister)


Polite, loving, patient, practical, responsible, a bit stubborn, wants to be surrounded with love and beauty, sensual, down to earth


Dancing, sewing, kimono, cherry blossoms, to live in the moment, the arts (music, dance, culinary, etc.), keeping clean, traditional ways of life, turtles, romance, Kabuki plays, her material possessions


Hot weather, conflict, people touching her kimono/hair, sudden changes, insecurities, synthetic fabrics


Traditional dancer


Insert headline here!

Karasu's humanoid form


The Opal Dancer:

Karasu is a unique oddity, a dragon who's scales are completely made of Opal. It makes her scales fragile, but highly valuable and sought after by collectors and jewelers.
She spends much of her life in her humanoid form, living out her long life as a professional dancer. Among her people, she is world famous. Her art is in traditional dance. Its uncommon, and a hard profession, specialized by only dragons and very few humans, but she was hand picked by her mentor due to her beauty. Only specific dragons are chosen by their appearance for dance.
Karasu has two fellow "teammates", or as she calls them, sisters, who dance with her. One is a emerald scaled dragon, and the other scaled solid gold. They're quite a trio.
Currently, Sumi's own mother, Jōra, hosts them on her island, at her own palace. Karasu and her sisters are Jōra's personal dancers, bought out in full. Now, the only way to catch a show, is by the island's dragon empress herself. She is rather proud of this fact, and often uses her personal dancers to be the center show for her guests or parties. Occupants of the island also get to attend a yearly festival where the dragon empress allows her dancers to preform for her people.
The art of their dance and their culture's traditions were born on this island, so the empress keeps them pure and preserved on the island.

Aside from dance, Karasu is also seen as a 'god' to many other races, humans and elves included. To her own people, Karasu is what is known as a 'legendary' dragon, something only few dragons are regarded as. Since she is a gem dragon, this has helped her gain status as a legendary dragon. Although, her skill and abilities gain her this title as well. As a legendary dragon, and a gem dragon, Karasu has many responsibilities to her own people. They look up to her as a legend, and they wish for her prosperity as a precious rarity. She is a symbol, if anything, the highest pride of the dragon race. As are her sisters, and her father.
On the island, Karasu has a temple where she spends most of her free time. People come to pray there, seeking guidance in love and purity, and to cast a wish. Karasu often grants each wish from those of the purist hearts. 


The Curse of Panterra:
A’non, an elven man who is exiled from his homeland after a trusted colleague frames A’non for an unspeakable crime he did not commit.
During his time in isolation, A’non stumbles across a corrupted dragon orb. He uses this orb to gain extraordinary power, and, with his anger for his nation betraying him, turns the souls inside into a dark army under his command. He uses his new army of shadows against elven villages nearby. He is growing his army, making it stronger so that he can unleash it against the elven leadership, for misjudging him unjustly.
Across the world, Karasu feels this evil presence. She knows it is her duty to cleanse such an evil from the world, especially since her sister Orisu is in Hauud aiding in the war efforts there. Karasu travels across the ocean to track down the evil presence she feels.
She arrives in the elven homeland, and begins purifying the land of the evil darkness, starting with some villages. The more she cleanses, however, the more she becomes noticed by A’non. Finally, A’non comes to stop Karasu himself, after sending many shades and shadow creatures to stop her to no avail. Karasu is captured by A'non after a long fight.
A’non brings Karasu to his base, where he imprisons her and slowly begins a process to corrupt her. Although, this action takes a lot of strength and power to do so from him, and on the other hand, it also takes a lot of strength from Karasu to try and resist his efforts. A’non eventually managed to subdue Karasu’s light, over time slowly corrupting her, turning her from a white opal to a black opal. However, Karasu isn't completely corrupted yet, before her sister, Shona, comes to rescue Karasu. Shona knew something terrible had happened to Karasu when she did not return in a timely manner, and hurried to track Karasu down. During Shona’s own journey, she meets with a pair of elves, whom are also looking for the source of evil. They decide to aid one another, as their goals were the same. One of the elves is the brother to the elf who had started the evil shade army, and wishes to stop their brother before a war breaks out that eventually would lead to his brother’s demise.
They manage to find A’non’s base and put a stop to his corruption of Karasu, but at the cost of Shona’s own freedom. She is imprisoned inside a mirror, that isolates her into another realm that only she inhabits. Now, the only way to free Shona from her prison, is for Karasu to convince A’non to show her how. A’non is not keen on doing so, and still cannot let go of his anger toward his people for betraying him.

During the time Karasu is captured, she tries to sway A'non to release his anger, and strive for forgiveness. It doesn't work, but they get to know one another in the process. Neither hate each other, and find a common understanding of the other, and in turn, learn to respect one another. Over time, they speak as if they could be friends, yet their paths keep them from doing so.
Once Karasu is rescued, and loses her sister in her own form of exile, A'non somewhat regrets what he has done. He sees how the exile of Karasu’s sister has affected Karasu, and he sees the pain between the sisters for the sacrifices made. He compares this to how he felt being in his own exile, and realizes how he has repeated a process of unjust. Karasu refuses to leave her sister trapped, and tries to convince A’non to aid her in freeing Shona. At first, he shows no interest in helping. If he had to suffer in exile, so could she. He still is unable to let go of his own pain to be able to ease the pain from Karasu.

Name Karasu
Age 21
Gender Female
Orientation Straight
Occupation Dancer
  • Karasu was born and raised on this island. Her father, a dragon known as Black Diamond, left Karasu on the island once she was born so that she would be safe and protected.

  • On the island, Karasu has a shrine. People come to pray there, seeking guidance in love, purity, and to cast a wish. Karasu often grants each wish from those of the purist hearts.

  • She started dancing when she was only 2 years of age, and has been dancing ever since.

  • Karasu learned to transform into her humanoid form quite early, yet has not mastered other abilities most her age already would have under their belts.

  • The son of the island's dragon empress, Sumi, has seen Karasu dance many times. Since the first night he lay eyes upon her, Sumi had a crush for the Opal Dancer.
    Yet, his mother has kept her son at bay of her dancers. Their profession in the art of dance is most important.

  • Karasu's hair is made of pure silk.
"My sisters and I dance to bring love and happiness to our people!"    

Karasu at her shrine's koi pond.
Q: A penny for your OC's thoughts?

Character: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean laoreet felis mauris, sit amet accumsan velit elementum non. Donec eu metus non lorem ornare sagittis.

Q: So what is your greatest achievement? And what do you hope to achieve in the future?

Character: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean laoreet felis mauris, sit amet accumsan velit elementum non. Donec eu metus non lorem ornare sagittis.

Q: What keeps you up at night?

Character: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean laoreet felis mauris, sit amet accumsan velit elementum non. Donec eu metus non lorem ornare sagittis.


"Orisu, my older sister, beautiful and most talented of all of us!"

"Shona. So quiet, so young, but such a beautiful spirit!"

"Insert a short sentence or opinion here."

Cellophane  FkA twigs
Akatsukino Ito wagakki band
Come nAmie amuro
 Bad Apple tradit. japanese
 Tokyo Night strawhatz