


5 years, 5 months ago


Feloran "Fella" Alhsorath | ??? age | they/them (??? gender) | Chaotic Neutral | Barbarian | A ""human""


Personality is "weird alien who came to earth and is trying badly to look like a human"

Insists they are a human farmer but somehow does not know how farming or like, anything, works

Exaggeratedly friendly

Drinks exclusively from flask on hip (it's actually full of water)

Never removes paper bag (if anyone tries, they tell them to stop trying to rip their face off). Draws on their face with a marker to express emotion. Another paper bag with an angry face is underneath the top paper bag.

Huge tattletale, reports any wrongdoing to authority

Goals and Beliefs

Main goal is to integrate with culture of whatever country the campaign they're in takes place in and hide their identity

Value system is weird: says they fight for justice, does not seem to understand killing is bad if the killed person was attacking or "asking for it". However, will listen to other people when told something is immoral and integrate that into their value system

If asked, would say they are against the values of their previous culture and openly embraces culture of the world/country of the campaign, but has not really internalized their new culture and still has many ingrained beliefs/values from their previous culture that make them offensive or dangerous to new culture (mostly re: value of human life, when to use violence)

In Campaigns

Fights with "pitchfork" (hint, a trident)

Tries hard to get along with all PCs and NPCs unless told an NPC is "evil"

Character personality and values are super vague because I haven't played them enough to iron them out (haha) and because they change based on campaign


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