


5 years, 2 months ago



"Don't get in my way."

  • name > Moosepaw
        prefix meaning > Moose, for his pelt and for his sturdy and strong appearance
        suffix meaning > Paw, for it is the traditional apprentice suffix
        previous names > Moosekit
    nicknames > Moosey, Moose, Buck

    clan > Marshclan
    rank > Apprentice
        previous ranks > Kit
    mentor > TBA
    apprentices > N/A

    age > 6 Moons
    gender > Male
    sex > Male
    sexuality > Bisexual

moose-in-traffic-1024x678.jpgbuild > Sturdy, strong and muscular
fur description > Medium length dark pelt, looks brown and dark grey at the same time. Has a few stripes here and there and a pale white underbelly.
scars > None
height > 30 cm (full grown)
weight > 8.5 lbs

voice > Manumaru - Aggretsuko
scent > Wildflowers and rocks


Positive Traits
positive >
    >> Confident > In a not so cocky manner, Moosepaw is very self-assured in his own abilities and strengths. The tom isn't a show off, he simply has a strong self-esteem. He is also very brave, often being the first to step up to a task.
    >> Calm > Nothing seems to rattle this tom's bones as he stands there like the noble feline he appears to be. The tom has a voice of reason in situations that need it as well as the soothing atmosphere to remind someone that "everything will be alright."
    >> Patient > Moosepaw seems, at first, like a tom who would have a short-fused however, that is incorrect. It is as if he is barely ticked off and he is very capable of dealing with the clan's most annoying cats without bursting a vein.

neutral >
    >> Protective > Moosepaw is often seen as the protective wall of a friend, the cat to hide behind when trouble is happening. Moosepaw is a body guard sort of character, having the tendencies to leap into situations to save his pals.
    >> Formal > Everyone will be referred to as their full name and sometimes their rank. On top of that - respect. Moosepaw is polite, traditional and dignified.
    >> Placid > Moosepaw doesn't seem to get excited much, nor is he easily angered. The tom is very calm, and somewhat stoic, and lives his life without being easily stirred.

negative >
    >> Stern > Moosepaw is a very serious tom, often having trouble with cracking a smile or laughing. The tom can seem very domineering for this and is very straight-forward. It can come off as quite intimidating.
    >> Critical > Moosepaw can be quite scathing at times, especially when it doesn't call for it. The tom will point out things that most people wouldn't like to be pointed out and he is quite used to condemning things he disapproves of.
    >> Frightening > At first sight and for those who do not know him well, Moosepaw can come off as very scary and intimidating. The tom is tall and stoic, often having to look down at other cats and he has a constant frown.


 parents >
    >> Charredbranch > Large dark brown tabby tom with violet eyes. Currently Alive.
    >> Redstag > A small soft pelted tom with pale white fur with spots and burning orange eyes. Currently Alive.    >>Pebblerush > Hefty golden molly with sharp tabby stripes and molten orange eyes. Currently Alive.

siblings >
   >> Snaketwig > Sharp pointy light brown molly with pointed markings and green eyes. Currently Alive.     >> Juniperstrike > Pale white tom with soft yellow eyes and whispy fur. Currently Alive.

mate >
    >> N/A > N/A

kits >
    >> N/A > N/A

extended >
    >> Twistedwhiskers > Stocky and greying old scarred molly.

mate > None - N/A
    previous mates > N/A
    romantic interests > N/A
    looking for > None

likes in a potential mate >
    > Strength 
    Got to be cute 

dislikes in a potential mate >
    From another clan 

interested in kits > N/A
preferred family size > Massive






Den Building

kithood [ 0 - 6 moons ] >
    Charredbranch, Redstag and Pebblerush were a trio of warriors in Marshclan and they were mates. They had previosly had a litter of two which were Juniperstrike and Snaketwig. Their newest litter consisted of one kitten and this was Moosekit. The young kit was quite a large one - making him quite a task to feed but they made do with their experience with kits prior to this. Moosekit was a quiet kit, never really enganging in the activity that was called "screaming and crying until I get fed" and instead, liked to sleep a lot. Moosekit made a few fellow friends in the nursery, play fighting with them from time to time but he quite honestly prefered to be asleep by his parents fur. Moosekit was a fast growing kitten and despite seeming like he was already going to be quite a sensible and mature young tom, he did of course have his typical childhood dreams. He wanted to be a strong noble warrior of Marshclan and the day he became a warrior apprentice was the first stepping stone.

apprenticeship [ 6 - 12 moons ] >
    Moosekit is now Moosepaw and has moved away from his parents in the nursery and was now in the apprentice den. It was a big change but Moosepaw was showing early signs of independence and it made it quite obvious with how easily he grew accustomed to sleeping on his own in the apprentice den. The tom still dreams to be a noble warrior and he awaits every task his mentor gives him.


Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Name {Relationship | Clan | Alive/Dead}

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

  •  Sparring
  •  Newt tails
  •  Like
  •  Small things
  •  Family and friends
  • Unnecessary disputes
  • Messy nests
  • Messy fur
  • Bird legs
  • Tripping
  • 🟆 Is often seen looming in the background somewhere
  • 🟆 Buries his friends under his fur if they are scared
  • 🟆 Actually very caring
  • 🟆 Good at listening to instructions

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