Gingersnap (Woolyne)



5 years, 26 days ago


[Uncommon] 2-Pronged Horns - [Rare] Long Tail - [Rare] Glittering Fur - [Super Rare] Faceted Eyes

Name: Gingersnap (Ginger)
Gender: Female
Age: Young Adult
Build: Average/Slight
Height: ---


Reserved | Quiet | Prudent | Gentle | Considerate | Perceptive | Resolute | Honest

Ginger is a somewhat reserved Woolyne who tends to keep to herself unless prompted by someone or something. She’s not quiet in a shy sense - rather she just prefers the solitude of her own thoughts over talkative company. Those whom she considers a friend have the privilege of knowing her more open, chatty side that often verges on the rambling if it’s on a subject she’s particular passionate or opinionated about. These people will find she has a good sense of humor and a melodic laugh.

While her soft appearance and normally quiet demeanor might give one the impression of naivety, she is anything but. She’s much more cautious than she is carefree, and thinks logically about a situation before choosing her words and actions carefully. She does, however, try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt even in sketchy circumstances, and first impressions aren’t often set in stone. Her stubborn side has the tendency to throw this caution out the window when it comes to something she feels she needs to do or has a firm belief in; when she has her mind set on something, there’s little that can stop her and no Woolyne better stand in her way!

Given her nomadic lifestyle, she often relies on the hospitality of others and never fails to repay any kindness shown to her tenfold. If she sees someone in need and she knows she can help in even the slightest, she’ll be there in a heartbeat.


Gingersnap was born in a small agrarian village somewhere between Fenmoore and Corwyn. Her parents were seafarers by trade, often leaving her and her younger brother in the care of her grandparents to sail off from the nearby port and search for whatever treasure or hidden ruins they caught wind of next. Sadly, an unexpected storm supposedly sank their ship on one fateful voyage and none of the crew ever returned.

Luckily, the tragedy didn’t bode a bad childhood for Ginger; she missed her parents, of course, but her grandparents smothered her with plenty of love and support her entire life. They, too, were saddened by their own children’s premature deaths, but they often told Ginger they died following their hearts and doing what they loved. The small family would journey to Fenmoore for the annual festival every year until the elderly Woolynes were simply too old to make the trip, eventually causing Ginger to take on more responsibilities caring for them as well as herself and her sibling from an early age. After that, she rarely ever left the village at all unless in need of special supplies. Most of her time not spent taking care of her grandparents was dedicated to studying the herbs and flowers in the neighboring forest, collecting samples and learning their medicinal effects.

But a small farming town quickly grew stagnant for a young Woolyne. Her grandparents encouraged her to travel as they and her parents had done, to see the world and follow her spirit - something she refused to do until her grandfather fell ill to a sudden and mysterious illness. The only known treatment was a serum produced from a very rare and very expensive flower that the family had no way of affording… unless they found it themselves. So Ginger set out from her hometown on her own for the very first time, leaving her brother to care for the home in her stead, determined to find the priceless plant before it was too late.


★ Her full name is Gingersnap, but she prefers to be called Ginger
★ Very self-conscious about her faceted eyes - she often tries to hide them beneath her hood so others don't notice
★ Isn’t superstitious, but really enjoys ghost stories and folktales/legends in general
★ She’s a firm believer in the Golden Rule and will openly frown upon those who purposely break it
★ She dislikes storms… the rain makes her thick fur (especially her tail) very heavy and thunder/lightning make her very nervous