Horace (Collins) Rosewood



5 years, 1 month ago


Horace Rosewood
Age 15-17
Height 5'0
Species Demon/Ghost
Gender Male
Orientation Panro/Ace
Pronouns He/Him
Occupation Little Goober
Voice Claim Konekomaru

Design Notes

  • He has whites of his eyes, but his irises are unusually big.
  • He has a kitty tail!!
  • Please pay attention to his scar placement if drawing him where scars can be seen!
  • Clawed hands
  • Faded black around his body
  • He can be drawn in other outfits, feel free to check his outfit tab, or get inspiration for his style! He won't typically wear anything too over the top or scratchy though, his skin is extremely sensitive.

Quiet and nervous at first glance, he tends to keep to himself when around strangers or new people, especially around the cathedral, not knowing whether a new exorcist might be accepting of him and him being a demon, or downright out for blood. He'll wring his hands, stutter, and go quiet in the middle of a sentence if he's very scared, and try to look for a way out of the situation, or look for where his dad might be to help him out. He's quick to befriend though, and will do anything for those he cares about.

When he knows someone is good, you'll start to see more of his goober side. A little trickster at heart, he loves playing pranks and tricks on the people closest to him as long as it won't bring them any kind of harm or discomfort. He'x extremely affection to those he trusts. Though he's a pretty smart cookie all around, he can be a bit naive at times, relying on close friends or family to pull him out of stupid situations he may get himself in.


  • He has some minor animalistic traits, such as purring and rumbling when hes calm and content, or growling like a dog when in danger and on the defense.
  • He can change form to be more human, with rounded ears, normal teeth, and no black markings, but his claws and large irises remain, leaving people a bit unsettled if they meet him in this form without knowing his true form.
  • Technology can confuse him, as he's from the early 1900's and spent most of the years in Hell. He loves video games though, and playing them on his dad's console, but he's most partial to calm and fun games like Stardew Valley or Animal Crossing
  • He loves to prank and play tricks on mean people or close friends. They're always harmless, no matter who he's pranking, and he would never go too far with anyone. It's just not in his nature
  • He knows minor possession, usually only working on those who weak/susceptible to it, and never for more than a few moments. Commonly uses this to prank bad parents into spilling a soda on their head or to possess a bully long enough to let a victim get away
  • He absolutely loves physical affection, can cuddle with someone for hours, and loves to prolong hugs best he can or be on the receiving end of cheek and forehead kisses. He loves having the back of his ears, back, or neck rubbed and will purr if you do so.

  • His dad
  • Playing harmless pranks on mean people
  • Making small tricks with his blue fire
  • Dancing (Especially the tango)

  • Hell
  • His memories of his past life
  • Pain
  • Being alone
  • The dark

Born in the early 1900's, Horace grew up as the son of a workhand for a rich family that specialized in breeding horses. Growing up around so many wonderful animals gave him a love of them and of life, and he would often help his dad around with his work once he was old enough. Though some might call him an 'accidental' child, he was unwanted by his dad growing up, loved only by his mother, he still looked at his father with stars in his eyes and the belief that the man cared about him, when in reality, his dad wished he had never been born and he could spend his life with his wife like it had been before.

Horace was also bullied quite often, but didn't think much of it, as he would always get revenge with some good pranks that would make his attackers leave him alone for a while, and it always gave him a good laugh whenever he got the chance to so.

One day he was needed to get medicine from a local doctor for the breeder's daughter in the middle of a storm, being the best with the horses in stressful situations like this one, he took off. It led to him being thrown in a bad part of the mountains, and the horse he had ridden got attacked by local predators.

He stopped riding and avoided work around the horses after that, plagued by guilt over what had happened and fear of being at fault for harm to come to them again. His refusal to do work that he excelled at created tensions between him and his parents, and eventually an accident happened because of the tension finally snapping. An argument between him and his father broke out, his father demanding he get back to working and riding the horses, while Horace continued to refuse out of fear and trauma. His father didn't pay attention where he was walking, shouted something too suddenly, and a horse kicked out at him. He was badly injured instantly, broken ribs piercing vital organs, and Horace, traumatized and guilty feeling once more, felt he was at fault.

Guilt-ridden once more, he was desperate to bring back the man he looked up to so much, and by unknown means, summoned a demon. Selling his soul on a one-year contract, he resurrected his dad just a day after his death. No one questioned his return, Horace's mother too happy to think and everyone else chalking it up to a premature burial. He told his father what he had done and how he wasn't sure how to fix what he had gotten himself into, he was threatened to never tell anyone else, and it was then he realized his father didn't care what would happen to him.

The next year went by in a blur for Horace, and eventually it came time for him to pass on. He died, and was taken to hell, while his father lived on without the son he disliked, but alone with the wife he loved. Years later, Horace escaped Hell somehow and eventually took to pranking bad parents and bullies, much like he did when he was alive. One day he got caught by a local cranky exorcist after possessing a parent who had been a bit too harsh on their kid, and feared he'd be sent back to Hell. Instead, he got scolded for what he had done with a ruffle of his hair afterward, and a place to turn to if any other exorcists picked on him or if demons bullied him too much. Seeing a father figure in the most unlikely of places, he clung on, hoping that maybe this time would be different, that he found someone who would care about him where his own dad hadn't, and praying that he was right.

And he was right.


Leander | Dad's bf

It's hard to believe Horace managed to befriend someone so scared of demons, but he somehow did it anyway. From scaring Leander with just his presence and feeling awful about it, to communicating through memes and snaps after an idea from Rosewood, they slowly became some kind of weird friends. After something traumatic happened to Horace, he wouldn't answer any of Leander's memeingful attempts at cheering him up. Leander went looking for him to make sure he was actually okay, and they ended up talking through a door for a few hours, Leander comforting the demon about the bad situation, while they made each other laugh in between with stupid videos sent to one another. A very dense Horace eventually realized that Leander was dating his dad, and proceeded to send him a single vine without context (boogie woogie woogie), calling him his dad as well. Leander promptly blocked and unblocked him. Leander has a habit of buying things for Horace while out on his own he thinks the kid might like, or when he sees Horace shyly eyeing something while out with him, but he'll play it off as assuming the kid hated the thing and he wanted to poke his buttons. Horace knows his true intentions, and of course Leander knows that he does too, but neither say anything about the subject and just enjoy the fun they have together as is.
If looking for either of them, just follow the sound of rumbling. There's a good chance you'll find them together buried under blankets cuddling with each other, both purring loudly. 

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