Deimos Morgenstern



5 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Deimos Morgenstern


Kid Starlight






OM (Sound of the Universe)


Night Paladin


Vybrance Mancer Academy ; Clearwater's Class of XX17


Deimos is a relaxed individual with a near unparalleled ability to be chill in any given situation. No matter what happens, Deimos is unfazed, rolling with the punches and standing back up. This isn’t to say it’s easy for them to rise back to their feet after getting knocked down, but by the gods they’ll do it. If there’s one thing Deimos is, it’s a stubborn bastard. Their tunnel vision is held up by pillars of dedication, determination, and surprisingly, attitude. For better or for worse, when Osamu starts on something, they’ll see it through to the end. Sometimes, it can border on obsessive. They’re like a dog with a bone, and even if they seemed to have dropped it, more likely than not they haven’t. Instead, they’ve just hidden it in their room next to their wall of conspiracy theories. While bright, Deimos' mind is sometimes a bit.. too open to things that don’t make sense. Which seems to delight them. Osamu has a great love for mysteries and the unexplained, believing that in this universe, nothing is strictly impossible. They delight in research and facts of all sorts (especially outer space), more than happy to share what they know with others. Osamu makes for a fantastic teacher, between their patience and creative problem solving. However, they’re a bit too easily distracted, often going on tangents about completely unrelated things. There’s just so much out there, and Osamu is really excited about it!


Gift Description:

  • The User channels the background hum of the universe through their hum, which can grow quite loud.
  • This quirk has an effect zone of 15 feet in a circle. The effect is more concentrated the closer it is to the user, with it being most intense at six feet (circular) around the User.
  • Within the effect zone, things grow muted and calm. People and animals will find themselves relaxing, and chaos of any sort will begin to settle down. Hearing range has no effect on this quirk.