Oswarn Darling



5 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Oswarn Darling


Early 20's




Semi-slender and lithe


Wizard (School of Theurgy)



Ama'larra: The very definition of elven grace! She has a hint of naivete that all nobles tend to have with a level of quiet openness and worldliness that meshes so adorably. There's no doubt she'll one day grow up to become a wonderful ruler and her time spent among those outside of her House has clearly allowed her to nurture a caring heart. In spite of all that, Darling feels open enough to gossip with her every so often. On a more serious note, her destiny intrigues him and he's carefully observing what choices she will make when the time comes.

Cael'thir: Out of all the Dragons, the young dwelf posits himself the most like Darling's opposite. Whereas he's shy and reserved, he's loud and flamboyant. It's a decent bit for that reason that Darling can't help but want to help Cael be more open and grow into the courageous person he knows he can be. At the same time, he trusts Cael to catch him whenever he falls and make a mess of himself. They may clash because of their opposing natures, but they fill in for each other well.

Peter: All Hail the Prince!!! Given nobles tend to be naive, there's nobody more adorably naive than Peter is. He sees in the man someone who's stepping into the world for the very first time, learning and discovering all that there is outside of castle walls. And quite frankly, Darling is there for it and wishes to teach and even woo him at every available chance. The Prince is someone who he can't help but want to spoil and compliment in large part because it's so adorable how out of place he is, but it truly feels like witnessing the start of a burgeoning hero's tale.

Rorfall: It's a shame the lad is so distant. But that temperament of his coupled with his small stature makes for a rather cute figure. Darling keeps his distance given the fighter much prefers having his space, but he'll always be behind him ready to offer his help. At some point, he'll have to oblige. But until then, as long as the two remain on good terms with Ama'larra, they'll see more of each other for certain.

Rosemary: If Cael is Darling's opposite, then Rosemary is the perfect foil for Darling. For one, she's an angel, which fascinates Darling; that despite their origins they're able to be friends with one another gives him great encouragement for the future. In many ways, Rosemary is rigidly wedded (though certainly flexible in terms of method) to her ideals of justice, Darling happily acts as her Mephistopheles, teasing and challenging her with flippant responses and his own quest to bridge the planes. If he could get her to loosen up and give his ways a chance, then happy day! Regardless, he has a great amount of respect for her for trying her damnest to fight for what's right and finds a lot of her qualities remarkably heroic. He enjoys preparing meals for her.

Scott: Such a cutie. It's his ever-vigilant and perfectly innocent ways that has Darling falling for him. Out of everyone he knows, perhaps except Cael, Scott appears to have the purest of heart. Something about these nature boys, I tell you. Darling has noticed some sparks between Rosemary and Scott as of late and being the supportive friend that he is, is all too happy to play cupid between the two. After all, they're both so pure of heart that it's unlikely one will confess to the other at any point. Darling has full trust in Scott and sees him as a kind, understanding boy.

Valdis: Such a mischievous lad. As a fellow arcane caster, Darling feels the urge to share his own development in the magical arts, including his progress with summoning demons. As a learned wizard, Darling considers Valdis is something of a novelty for apparently being born with or stumbling into a great deal of the power he wields. He's clearly exceptionally strong, but does he have the will to properly wield it all? Darling feels the need to help the sorcerer with his growth.

Ward: A prickly man. Ward is a man of a thousand secrets, much of which may account for his stern, no-nonsense approach to life as he above anyone else feels great urgency with the Dragons' task. Still, there must be room to enjoy life and lay back and Darling is curious what the man might have been before the world hardened him. It's unlikely that Ward will stop becoming an object of fascination for Darling and one day, he would like to get along with him. But just as well, he's unwilling to compromise on the company he yearns to keep.

Confirmed Planar Allies

