Actual Wizzard



5 years, 1 month ago


"Add a quote here, or maybe a song lyric. You can also just remove this text. Sample sidebar image from Unsplash."

Can be drawn in anything with any colour. But these are the main colours used in his ref.

Actual Wizzard

 An intro to Planet Bara... 
From a distant galaxy far away, a species known as Bara reside on a lustrous planet filled to the brink with music known as Treble. A planet known for their unique sounds and songs, Bara are exceptional creatures. Wizz being one of the many musically adept Baras within the planet.
Basics Do you know who you are?
Full Name Wizz Fizz
Aliases Actual Wizzard
Ethnicity Bara
Gender He/Him
Orientation Bisexual
Age 18

Wizz is one of the few famous Bara's from planet Treble. 

Proin gravida risus vel iaculis varius. Suspendisse ut felis et urna auctor auctor. Morbi sed volutpat leo, ut fermentum nisi. Ut diam metus, egestas in mauris et, dapibus congue erat. Phasellus mollis placerat lectus nec egestas. Donec eu felis ut risus accumsan laoreet tempor at urna. Donec maximus luctus nisi sed tincidunt. Vestibulum at lacus neque. Pellentesque imperdiet libero magna.

Phasellus mollis metus libero, ac hendrerit turpis pellentesque a. Nam sollicitudin, diam vitae vestibulum pellentesque, nunc sapien ornare nisl, id congue est nisi quis elit. Sed volutpat pellentesque eleifend. Pellentesque faucibus hendrerit lobortis.

History Do you know what's happened to you?
Born Planet Bara
Residence Earth (currently)
Occupation EDM musician and singer
Education ???
Affiliation Other Bara musicians

Wizz was born on planet Bara, learning about the different forms of art within the planet, but what interested him most is the music. Especially EDM music. He'd create beats on his legs or hum a tune that just so happened to pop into his mind before finally getting his hands on the right equipment to make it all come together.

His rise to fame within his planet happened slowly, but over time, his fame quickly became something he enjoyed. Other people appreciated his music, so it only fuelled his need to keep pleasing his fans. However, over time, his fans died out and so did his passion, but, there was still a whole galaxy out there that hadn't heard his music yet! And what better way to begin his travels around the universe, than Earth.

Appearance Do you recognise yourself?
Height 8ft
Build Thin, tall, curvy
Eye colour Blue
Hair colour Green (Changes with mine)

Bara are known for their tall stature. And Wizz is no exception. Baras come in many different colours, Wizz being a blue/purple hue. Baras also have three fingers. Baras also have specific markings on their face to indicate which family they come from. Their parent's markings are both combined to create their child's new unique marking on their face.

Wizz, being a famous musical Bara, has a specific designed helmet for his music. Each musical Bara has their own specific designed helmet for their songs. Wizz, being a EDM Bara has a helmet that fully covers his face, allowing him to change his voice with the dials on each side of his helmet, and can create beats within the helmet too.

Miscellany Do you want to live this way?
Handedness Left
Associated motifs Soundwaves
Songs ——————————
Human After All — Daft Punk
Special — Ashnikko
LoveGame — Lady Gaga
Full playlist link

  • Based off of Daft Punk
  • Phasellus mollis placerat lectus nec egestas. Donec eu felis ut risus accumsan laoreet tempor at urna. Praesent rhoncus erat ut tincidunt condimentum.
  • Donec maximus luctus nisi sed tincidunt.
  • Vestibulum at lacus neque. Pellentesque imperdiet libero magna.
Relationships Do you know who matters to you?
Name | Relationship Label
Fusce non tincidunt dui, a luctus tortor. Nulla sed accumsan ante. Mauris quis justo vitae velit tincidunt sollicitudin euismod ut lectus. Ut sed dolor mauris. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Name | Relationship Label
Fusce non tincidunt dui, a luctus tortor. Nulla sed accumsan ante. Mauris quis justo vitae velit tincidunt sollicitudin euismod ut lectus. Ut sed dolor mauris.