Maple Farley



5 years, 1 month ago


full name. Maple Farley
nicknames. n/a
birthday. February Fourteenth
gender. female ( she/her )
sexuality. heterosexual
height. five foot six
occupation. potions brewer, healer
voice. Ginnifer Goodwin
species. witch

Meet the resident witch of Willowdale. Well.. she doesn't exactly live in Willowdale, more on the outskirts. She lives in a cottage in the woods, surrounded by many magical spells and Knick Knacks. It's a modestly sized home, good for a single witch trying to fit in. In this world, witches are generally unheard of, disregarded as legends and evil myths. You'll mostly hear witches come up as the villains in children's stories, and many people are afraid of the magic they possess. Maple is none of the nasty things you hear about witches, though, she is quite the opposite. Generous and empathetic, she wants to help any soul that stumbles across her little home, injured or just lost in general. She keeps a low profile, not wanting to cause a ruckus in town because of what she is, and what the towns people might say about her if they found out what she really was. The spells around her home allow her presence to be invisible to those with ill intentions towards her, but visible to those that seek care or shelter. There are whispers in Willowdale about an apothecary that shows up to only those in need, and if you are in a dire situation a good willed fairy will heal you of your ailment. Of course, Maple does not try and debunk these rumors, as it is actually quite good for her image.

Maple's main talents lie in potion brewing. Growing up, her mother and grandmother, who were both witches, taught her everything they knew. Both were incredibly skilled potion makers and botanists, and she easily picked up on their skills.

but when she gets invited to Muffin's family get togethers, Piper never fails to make her wheeze with laughter.