Billy (Billy [Chasing Paradise])



2 years, 2 months ago




+ Amiable + Easy-Going + Oddly Charming + Big Softy +
= Dramatic = Cautious = Perceptive = Follower =
- Short-Tempered - Petty - Stubborn - Cowardly -

In most contexts, Billy is a rather nice guy to be around. He’s easy to talk to, and quite open and willing to talk to any cat that’s interested. He has a laid back attitude, doesn’t take things too seriously, and is usually down to do whatever- be it lazing about or engaging in some fun activity. Though his speech style can be rather rough and often vulgar, it’s easy to find yourself getting along with this rough-and-tumble rogue and the odd charm in his carefree ways. Those who spend more time around him come to realize that beneath the bluster and punk attitude, Billy is a big ‘ol softy, unable to stop himself from trying to help those in need.

It becomes quickly apparent to anyone who meets him that Billy has a flair for dramatics- often employing hyperbole and exaggerations to express himself in a wide variety of situations. Billy often has his own internal monologue as well that is all the more dramatic- a chaotic stream of consciousness that sometimes slips through loose lips and ends up as an unfiltered rambling that can be amusing or insulting depending on who’s listening. Despite his loud personality seeming to indicate otherwise, Billy is a cautious individual, touting his self-preservation instinct as what’s kept him alive all these years. Billy isn’t one to jump into a situation without a plan- well, usually- and tends to expect the worst while hoping for the best in any scenario. Using his keen eye and naturally perceptive nature to assess a situation, Billy does his best to keep out of trouble and look both ways before crossing the metaphorical streets- though many would say he finds himself in the deep end either way. Perhaps part of this trend can be attributed in part to his habit of sinking into the role of a follower- Billy has a strong tendency of going with the decision of the group, no matter his internal or external protests otherwise. Regardless of who he’s around or what group situation he finds himself in, Billy wants to fit in, and will consciously or unconsciously go along with whatever he has to in order to remain in that in-group. While this can lead to positive outcomes if the group he’s with has good intentions, it can just as easily go the opposite when he’s running with the wrong sort of crowd.

Despite his largely easy-going ways, Billy has a temper, and it can be quite short at times. It only takes a bit of effort to get under his skin, and needling him with pointed questions or insults can almost guarantee a flash of anger from him, or even a potential fight. A particularly difficult situation or task also runs the risk of setting off Billy’s temper, and he has no qualms about cursing out inanimate objects that block the way to his goals. A frequent effect of incurring Billy’s wrath is a glimpse at his petty side, a feature that can be quite pronounced. Billy quite happily sits in a throne made of spite, letting the vindication of petty acts of revenge fuel him as his main way of dealing with any sort of grudge or rivalry. When Billy sets his mind to something, it can be rather hard to shake him from it- whether that be a grudge, a task, or a belief. Billy is stubborn and doesn’t like admitting when he’s wrong about something, and thus usually will continue to steadfastly believe that he’s right until reality comes to slap him in the face. This is often when you’ll see another facet of Billy’s personality- a pervasive cowardliness, hiding below his loud and bold punk veneer. Billy runs from truths he is not willing to accept. Billy runs from fights he doesn’t believe he can win. While he may say that he simply has a strong instinct for self-preservation, few others would be so kind when they see him cower, flee, or bend his morals in the face of looming danger.


Fast Reflexes
Billy has very keen reflexes, able to react at a moment's notice and leap out of the way of danger, often before he’s even consciously realized what’s happening.

With quick feet and an agile body, Billy is able to outrun and outmaneuver many of the dangers he runs across (or provokes).

While critical thinking might not be his strong suit, Billy makes up for it with good instincts. Being naturally observant helps clue him in on other cats, as well as the environment around him, even without being consciously aware of why his gut is pulling him toward a certain conclusion.


Big Mouth
With a big mouth and a vocabulary consisting largely of insults, Billy has gotten into quite a bit of trouble over the years for saying things he really shouldn’t have. Billy just can’t seem to help making things worse every time he talks, and there seems to be little filter when he speaks his mind.

Those noodly arms aren’t very useful for anything more than running- Billy struggles with more physical types of labor, such as moving or breaking heavy objects. That doesn’t stop him from talking big with nothing to back it up, though.

Despite his usual overly-laid back demeanor, Billy is quite easy to provoke. A well-placed insult is all it takes to have him abandoning any semblance of logic in favor of pursuing retribution for the slight.

Soul Partner


Soul Class

Soul Shade



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Alignment - Shade

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The user has great potential now when working with their soul partner. The more time and experience, the greater the possible feats.

Lifespan is extended and aging is slowed. They can speak to and see through their soul partner, no matter the distance.


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Aenean iaculis eros nec erat sollicitudin, quis faucibus felis vulputate. In nulla mauris, lobortis ut tortor vel, semper tincidunt dui. Praesent eu maximus urna, vitae vulputate neque. Vestibulum justo ante, tincidunt eu aliquet et, euismod ac odio. Curabitur lacus ligula, pharetra eu sem nec, pretium sagittis nunc. Nunc scelerisque vestibulum sem eu eleifend. Nunc semper eu lectus a suscipit.

historym ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque dictum, magna et sagittis mollis, historym erat lobortis odio, facilisis facilisis ante nibh in turpis. In finibus sagittis tincidunt. Donec justo erat, congue ut pharetra vel, luctus quis felis. Maecenas eget neque nibh. Sed efficitur condimentum facilisis. Duis quis purus non massa vulputate pulvinar non nec mauris. Fusce in mauris metus.

Ut lacinia augue ut augue maximus posuere. Duis dapibus, arcu a volutpat fringilla, purus urna molestie libero, id euismod nisl leo quis urna. Nulla mattis lectus ut purus luctus laoreet. Praesent ut tincidunt ex. Phasellus a ante justo. Pellentesque blandit arcu arcu. Donec at vehicula augue. Phasellus sit amet ligula metus. Phasellus ultrices ante historym. Integer sed ipsum at leo malesuada condimentum.

Vivamus aliquet semper turpis, ut sollicitudin tortor. Nullam nulla eros, interdum quis nisl id, condimentum dictum lectus. Mauris auctor, mauris at suscipit vulputate, ligula metus iaculis nunc, ac auctor orci neque quis turpis. Maecenas et ipsum id massa pellentesque dictum ac a libero. In lacus est, bibendum mattis commodo et, cursus id leo. Ut interdum non urna et tincidunt. Mauris vitae arcu posuere, auctor mi et, mattis massa. Duis blandit consequat sem, ac hendrerit urna imperdiet nec. Ut suscipit aliquam ultricies. Pellentesque semper mi eget massa maximus, sed imperdiet neque molestie. Mauris mattis sapien a tellus sodales congue. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Maecenas molestie iaculis neque, fringilla fermentum elit accumsan sed. Praesent risus felis, lacinia non pulvinar tempus, tincidunt nec risus. Sed eget pretium magna.

Integer risus turpis, dapibus non eros eget, tincidunt rhoncus quam. Nulla at enim a nunc ultricies bibendum. Proin ac historym rutrum, aliquet nisi vitae, vulputate augue. Mauris eget historym velit. Cras nec enim eget urna sollicitudin luctus. Nam egestas neque sit amet mi convallis interdum. historym ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eget rhoncus sem.

World Event

Here is a special paragraph. Aenean iaculis eros nec erat sollicitudin, quis faucibus felis vulputate. In nulla mauris, lobortis ut tortor vel, semper tincidunt dui. Praesent eu maximus urna, vitae vulputate neque. Vestibulum justo ante, tincidunt eu aliquet et, euismod ac odio. Curabitur lacus ligula, pharetra eu sem nec, pretium sagittis nunc. Nunc scelerisque vestibulum sem eu eleifend. Nunc semper eu lectus a suscipit.

Aliquam sem enim, porta id pulvinar bibendum, pretium id metus. Nam erat neque, ullamcorper sed tempus sit amet, ultrices id ligula. Ut non ipsum neque. Quisque tincidunt viverra leo ut fringilla. Vestibulum dictum dolor at sapien sollicitudin rhoncus. Nam historym neque, consequat vel ligula ac, interdum dictum neque. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam non sem et sem eleifend lobortis. Curabitur blandit, tellus in varius tempus, eros nulla tincidunt eros, non luctus ante felis non ligula. Fusce vehicula felis vel vulputate dictum. Duis hendrerit purus imperdiet nisl egestas euismod. Nam vitae turpis rutrum sem bibendum mattis. Nam est libero, sollicitudin quis ullamcorper in, aliquam ac felis. Nam eleifend gravida molestie.

Round 1

A summary of events for your character during Round 1 and its interim.

Round 2

Can you feel the repeating change?

Round 3

It comes to pass again.

Round 4

Do not be long now...

Round 5

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Round 6

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Cat's Name
0 yr 0 mo
Soul Class