
5 years, 1 month ago


Name: Hamika

Nicknames: Hami, Ms. Knee Eater

Gender: Female

Age: Looks about 15. Been undead for about four years.

Faction: Undead

Race: Zombie (she likes to refer to her race as "Intelligent Rotting Beings"  

Personality:[ Journalist, Knee Lover, No Personal Space Limits, Intelligent ]

Extra extra! - If there's one thing that Hami loves more than knees (and oh does she have a voracious appetite for knees) is a juicy story worthy of the front page. A succubus got caught trying to seduce an ogre? A mass of break ins by a ghost down in Halloween? Amityville having some kind of class get together? Hami is there, pen and only slightly rotting paper in hands. She'll follow any story, no matter what it gets her into, and make sure she can publish it.\

Mm Knees! - Since her 'birth' as a zombie, Hamika has had only one simple craving. She doesn't go after brains. Arms don't cut it. Dead corpses aren't her thing. But knees, mmm knees are just the perfect thing for her. They have just the right amount of crunch with tenderness, and it really makes it hard for her stories to run if they have chucks out of their knees.

Ya Got a Problem, Bucko? Hami doesn't seem to understand personal space limits. You can find her in someone's face all the time, usually demanding something or another. She doesn't care if you're two feet tall or seven; if she wants a story out of you, she will do her damnest to do so. Even if it means picking a fight with a manticore, or a Reaper. The girl really has no idea about potential death. Must be an undead thing.

Zombies are Smart Too! The stigma of being a stupid, ambling, eat everything being really bothers Hami. To the point she will whack you with her back, her leg, her arm, ANYTHING that she can grab, and demand you take it back. She's a very intelligent member of her race, and hates being called slow. So she doesn't understand the finer aspects of basic mathematical equations! She writes damn good stories and that doesn't take any math at all! SO THERE.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy?

Its rather hard to get the scoop on what's going on in Halloween, if don't have a basis to start from. Besides, most people have this idea that she's gross and stupid. So Hami decided it was time to fix that by going to the Academy and showing just how smart she was.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Orange

Hair Colour/Style: Short, brownish grey, under a hat

Skin Colour: Pale green.

Clothing Style/Colours: -refers to image to the right-

Extra: Piece of flesh missing from right arm, no skin or muscle on her left lower leg; she's about 4'11" and tiny for her apparent age.

References: -refers to the right again-