Big Greasy



5 years, 1 month ago


🍗Charles "Big Greasy" Snoufflesnout🍗

What we have here is a humble, down-to-earth bear that LOVES to cook his bum off. He owns a little mom and pop restaurant called "Big Greasy's Spoon". He used to be good partners with Pepper's Dad, since her dad owned an auto shop. But of course, because of certain circumstances... He's a toon favorite in Toontown Central and is well-known around the neighborhood, noticeably popular for his warmth, humbleness, kindness, and a knack for making the best comfort food in Toontown. He's not known only for cooking greasy foods, he's a good cook in general. But loves to bake much more. After hours when the shift is over, he'll stay up and brush up on his baking skills.

He really wants to run a bakery. However, his father insists he keeps the family business running keeps him from doing so unfortunately. But he keeps his hopes high believing his dream will come true... or possibly slip from his father's high demands.. and his belt.

Greasy's over welcoming personality makes him easily likeable around every, as he practices good hospitality to every Toon around. Perhaps, a little bit too nice, to the point it allows others to take his kindness for a weakness. It hard for him to stand up for himself without feeling guilty ans he usually lets Toons get away with their antics of walking over him. However, his staff is the only group of people close to him that treats him with better respect in contrast to Toons outside of his circle. And to be fair, he couldn't ask for a better round of employees.


Name: Big Grease, Charlie, Charles 
Gender: Male
Zodiac: Cancer
Species: Toon Bear
Home: TTC
Occupation: Fry cook and an occasional baker

"Be careful fightin' them cogs, ya hear? If you getting hungry after all that fightin', make sure to drop by the Greasy Spoon, aight'?"


  • Baking
  • Frying
  • Cakes
  • Sweets
  • Covering anything in butter
  • Crossword puzzles
  • His staff


  • His dad's belt
  • Bad manners
  • Too much swearing
  • Vegan food
  • Dry salads
  • Sheila's face getting red in rage
  • Whipped frosting


by Dilly


  • is Mississippian
  • keeps his love for baking a secret from his dad
  • His parents divorced when he was young and separated, thus leaving him under the care his mother and grandmother
  • LOVES to throw butter in anything he cooks


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  • Warm to others
  • Sufficient in culinary arts
  • Great hospitality
  • Family oriented
  • Good listener
  • Extremely humble


  • Self Critical
  • Takes things personally
  • Bad with conflict
  • Short sighted
  • Hard time giving authority
  • Easy to manipulate





Greasy and Sheila have a very complicated relationship with each other. Sheila's overbearing personality often conflicts with Greasy's soft demeanor. Because of this, it often irritates her to no end how Greasy has a laid-back sense of going about things. Sheila's often rumbustious, and she wants things her way and hates open minds, which contradicts Greasy's way of handling things. But they're both partners in terms of helping each other achieve their goals. Greasy often tiptoes around Sheila in order to not tip her off or make her angry. It’s rather nerve wrecking because her "tsundere" mood. Greasy does however, admire her work ethic and her assertiveness as a whole. She also seems to have a cuter side that he absolutely adores. Of course, she's the only one she'll lower her concrete walls down for..

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