Blair Blevins



5 years, 3 days ago


blair blevins
 gender female
 age 25
 birthday December 19
 height 5'6"
 sexual orientation demisexual, female lean
 weapon none
 title The Veterinarian
 song info







 SKIN  #ffe4d5
 HAIR #f9dbae
 WANTING solo art, couple art

  • She has a mole by her right (your left) eye. 
  • She has many moles under clothing, seen in her breakdown ref.
  • She's wearing a black scrubs shirt under sweater.


Fiery, but subdued. Quiet, but outspoken. Docile, but sharp tongued. Blair is filled with many contrasting traits that make her a bit difficult to approach. 

She has a young face and her somewhat childlike attitude can get people to not take her serious- something that will instantly push her over the edge. Couple this with her somewhat rude approach to conversations and you have a recipe for disasters. She's not one to mince words, and even when she tries to go about something kindly, her quirky nature often gets in the way. 

She will let it be known her opinion on topics at hand, especially those that have to do with her and her future. It's not that she's trying to cause trouble, but she sees things differently and probably believes her way is better. It can be quite antagonizing to the others, but again, she doesn't mean to be. She's just trying to live, under realistic conditions.

She's also always had a strange relationship with death and gore, making her occupation that much easier for her to tackle. Dark humor amuses her greatly, and it may seem rude or cold to others when they hear her make a joke about the deceased. It's not her trying to be harsh- it's her coping method, and she could care less if it's unhealthy. 


Blair got caught up at the market when the outbreak happens. She found herself cowering behind some of the booths, when she happened to be scurried away with Ash and Flora. They ran to the nearly built high school, Flora's suggestion.


Blair was born in a small city, close to rural towns and valleys. The girl was quite privileged growing up, alongside both parental figures and two older brothers. It was always difficult to connect to people, and she discovered quickly she much preferred the company of animals. This came as a surprise to many that knew her, as the girl as a whole isn’t very warm or affectionate. The thought of her caring for another being was a bit of a strange concept.

That doesn’t mean she was a loner, it just meant she was very picky about her company. Growing up was difficult as well, as she didn’t hold tight to what the other girls enjoyed. At a young age, she couldn’t quite grasp why they only spoke about boys but not girls- the thought never really occurred to her that there’s sexualities. She also wasn’t aware of labels, and still hasn’t quite understood her own feelings about her own skin.

She enrolled into a veterinary program, early into life- thanks to mom and dad’s money- and decided to move to a small country where she’d always have a job. Small domestic animals are great and all, but she loved the mobility it brings being a farm animal vet. It also meant she wasn’t going to be caught in one place all the time, meaning she got to decide when she met and talked with clients and people.

Blair chose this small town randomly, especially after seeing just how rural it was, how much it embraced the country life. Also, it was pretty cheap, her parents a bit flabbergasted at how humble a place she chose. She’s still rather fresh to the field, but thanks to being a one-track mind type, she’s got a lot of information in her brain.



The only person whose ever gotten close and understood Blair. Blair loves her quirky nature, and that Audriana understands Blair's own quirks and misunderstood preferences.