


5 years, 1 month ago




27 ✦ Male ✦ Elvish

"I never miss my mark."


The crews Sniper and birdwatch. Has a tendency to flirt with the ladies at docks they meet. Quick wits and a smart mouth; he can swoo his way out of any situation. Dispite his flirting he is ungodly loyal. The rest of the crew is like Family to him. He was the second closest to the Old Captain. Once meeting the New Captain he has hope she will fix their team. He also seems to devolop a small crush on the girl, but he wont let it show past his Loverboy Persona.

✦ Details
Name Elleo
Gender Male
Age 27
World Pirates
Species Elvish
Ethnicity White
Home Unknown
Occupation Sniper/Birdwatch
Sexuality Heterosexual
✦ Appearance
Height 6'06
Body Type Lanky and Slim
Hair Style Short and Wispy
Hair Color Blond
Eye Color Yellow/Gold
Skin Color Pale
Clothing Style SteamPunkesc
Posture Proper and Smoth
Other has moles in the spots of the shape of a Cello on his back


Coming from a kingdom run by prissy Elves, he quickly tempts to run away from the environment.

He wont tell new people he meets about his upbringing, but he was brought up in a royal environment. He's watched and serviced many formal gatherings, and events.. Only the old Captain, and First Mate know.

✦ Trivia
● Very loyal to his family (the crew).
● Very Loveable, and needy in relationships.
● Gets along with everyone.
● Won't take No for an answer.
● Loves hights and staring at the sea.
✦ Relationships
Old Captain Use to be the Captain before she pasted away, the crew won't tell what happened.
First Mate The first and only Mate of the ship, She refuses to take up the Role of Captain, no one knows why.
Princess New Captain, Youngest on the crew. Doesn't look anything like a Pirate.
Jules Second youngest next to Princess, Crews blacksmith.

profile html by Hukiolukio