
8 years, 1 month ago


┊┊✧ Name:

Miyako Tsukishiro (and Wooble)

┊┊✧ Species:


┊┊✧ Gender:


┊┊✧ Age:


┊┊✧ Personality:

Shy and quiet, she tends to keep to herself and observe. She has a large amount of difficulty expressing herself to others and often is seen stuttering and running away with her hat pulled over her face. At home and around those she has let into her life, she tends to be a bit more open but even then she rarely talks.

┊┊✧ History:

Miyako was born with magic in her veins, her parents not sure how to handle this often ignored the young girl leading her to her quiet nature as she withdrew into herself. When she was in middle school her parents sent her to her uncle in Tokyo where she lives to this day. her uncle, a fellow outcast of their family, treated her kindly and was very patient with the girl. He was the one who helped her control her magic despite being a normal human who just had the ability to see spirits. When she was in highschool she met her now familiar Wooble, a bird like spirit who channels water. Having him with her made things easier to hide as he controlled most of the power surges. After graduation she moved out of her uncle's apartment to a small building on the city edge where she has a balcony full of plants. Currently she's enrolled in a university but hasn't chosen a focus, she's simply there to kill time. She works part time at a cafe where she just helps prepare food in the back.

┊┊✧ Additional Information:

:bulletpurple: She's 5'2"
:bulletblue: Her specialty is night based and water based magics
:bulletpurple: Her favorite snack is squid dango, a dish she created herself when really hungry
:bulletblue: Most of her clothing is galaxy print
:bulletpurple: She dyes her hair regularly with magic