The Infra Red Moth



5 years, 1 month ago


Item #: 1297
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP 1297 must be kept in a 12 x 20 foot room with harden steel walls.It is to be supplied with potted plants to keep it calm. No windows or visible doors must be present in the room and is to be fed three times daily, having a diet consisting of cloth items and soft metals, such as Tin, Aluminum and Copper, with Lead, Silver and Gold being it's expressed favorites. Four infra red cameras must be present in each corner of the room, always on record to observe the movements and behaviors of the creature. SCP 1297 is somewhat sentient and will often look right into the cameras and request a certain one of it's food items to be brought when feeding time occurs, though it's knowledge of speech is highly limited and somewhat broken.  So far it seems rather content with it's containment as long as it is supplied with plastic gardening tools to tend and care for the plants in it's containment, Purple Wisteria Vines twined around wooden dowel rods and a large pink rose bush being it's prized plants.

Description: SCP 1297 is invisible to the human eye and must be viewed through infra red cameras at all times. it has a human like body resembling a young female, covered in an insect like carapace. A collar of soft downy like fur covers it's neck and hangs down over its chest. The creature has four arms ending in large, sharp claws. It has two strong, legs resembling a canine or feline, also covered in the same carapace. SCP 1297 has a long whip like tail that extends from behind it with large spikes trailing down to the end. Large moth like wings sprout from it's back. Upon it's face are two large compound eyes and it's mouth is full of sharp teeth and four insect like mandibles that have enough strength to easily crush a human skull, though the creature often shows no aggression with the only exception being if one of it's plants dies or is knocked over. An accident occurred where a D-Class was bringing in a few bags of fertilizer for the plants and accidentally knocked over a small pot with a freshly planted Tulip. The D-Class was swiftly met with a concussive hit from the SCP's strong tail, sending him flying into the wall. SCP 1297 looked to the camera and requested in an angry, broken voice that the D-Class be taken out, being called a horrible gardener as well as a klutz.

DNA testing on the creature shows it to be made of a substance closely resembling water, despite it's solid feel.

Notes: the number for this SCP is based on my Birthday and the idea for this SCP was based on how we'd gotten new security cameras that would alert us of every moth, rain drop and falling leaf that passed by it.