
5 years, 14 days ago


Name: Ent

Name meaning: *named after the living trees in LotR whose name was taken from the Angelo-Saxen (Old English ) word ent, meaning "giant" 

In its Anglo-Saxon sense, the word "Ent" can refer to a variety of large creatures, such as giants and trolls. Along with Old Norse (Jötunn), "ent" came from Common Germanic etunaz.*

Species: Caelusraptor Quercus

Pronouns: He-They

Age: Adult 

Size: 2.3m tall(7.5ft)

Rank: Commander

Occupation: Executive Science Officer, Xenozoologist

Specializations: Zoology, Mythology, Tracking, Survival Training, Combat Training 

Blurb: his job is to find and study new extraterrestrial fauna with a special interest in those belonging to myth or legend of the local population: he’s essentially a zoologist/cryptozoologist in space 

Glasses or contacts: the bio tech eye implants predominant use is to sync up with the Tricorder to project its visuals and information directly to Ent as holo screens only he can see and track footprints and life signatures. 

It also shows him visuals of ship screens and controls in addition to relaying Ents visuals to the ship. 

Skin tone: brown hues

Distinguishing marks: large nasal crest, biotech eye implants (pupil flashes to blue in use) 

Predominant features: green and cream colored feathers, snout resembling tree bark skin with the same coloration. 

Physical advantages: great sense of smell and sight, powerful jaws, lethal claws. Nimble and fast for his size. Able to use photosynthesis to supplement diet when food is scarce under certain types of light and to aide in rapid regenerative healing 

Physical disabilities: sensitive to sudden or overly bright flashes of light, large body is not conducive to small spaces. 

Usual fashion of dress: Uniform 

Accessories: Science Tricordor, phaser, communicator (built into uniform?) 

Affiliation: Starfleet 

Code: IDIC

*copy/pasted from Ent LotR Wikipedia page*