


5 years, 5 months ago


Name: Harle ???

Age: 20

Race: Canine

Sex: Female

Gender: Female 

Sexuality: She's not all that sure

Occupation: ???

Appearance: A 5'5 splotchy blue canine, Harle lived the furst 15 years of her life in a basement. Any disobedience was met with a lashing on her hands or feet, leaving scars. She's decorated with numerous peircings, which she got after she escaped. Her eyes are a beautiful red and blue.

History: At a very young age Harle was kidnapped, her parents murdered. She was kept in her captors basement and while as long as she obeyed they were kind, the slightest hint of disobedience was met with lashings on her paws. She managed to escape when a lawnmower sent a rock through one of the basement windows. She is very naive, but has a good education, as she was put through online school. She is terrified of the world, but it scares her less than where she was.

Positive personality traits: Curious, Intelligent,  Eager to learn

Negative personality traits: Skiitish, Naive

Skills: Sneaky, Fast, Harder to catch than a weasel

Weakness: Naive about the world, Vulnerable

Relationships: Ania - Cousin

Other: N/A