
5 years, 1 month ago
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For Sale (Real Currency)



"Like starlight crashing through the room, we'll lose our feathers"

Basics: In her youth, Tanzi was a member of the palace through her father who was an advisor to the sun-king. However, after an uprising of clerics attempting to overthrow the king killed her father, Tanzi left this life and the religion, instead finding solace in a spiritual appreciation for the world around her. She settled on the edge of the city where she acts as an herbalist, collecting herbs and growing them in her shop. She is someone who clings desperately to her beliefs and needs to have something to ground herself with. She is a cheery and honest shop keeper, and makes sure that she makes time to simply appreciate the world around her.

No rules given

Drawing notes: Tanzi's design is symmetrical except for her face. She is a jaguarundi so please follow the correct species anatomy.

"Yes, I know it hurts at first but it gets better"

【 Name 】 Tanzi 【 Gender 】 Female
【 Age 】 30 【 D.o.B. 】 July 27th
【 Alignment 】 Lawful Good 【 Race 】 Jaguarundi
【 Role 】 Herbalist 【 Theme 】 It Gets Better

【 Charisma 】
【 Kindness 】
【 Confidence 】
【 Integrity 】
【 Intelligence 】
【 Judgement 】
【 Maturity 】
【 Humor 】

Tanzi is a small and lithe jaguarundi. She is slight in stature but built well all the same, her health and speed making up for her small size. Her dark fur is silky with a healthy sheen in the light, and dotted with color and sun bleaching on her back. Her reflective silver eyes practically seem to glow in the night. She has a peaceful yet cheery expression on her face most of the time, even in her sleep, and it is uncommon to find her looking upset.


Tanzi lives in a Middle Eastern Medieval city. Her city is large and built-up over the centuries, with many tall structures made of wood and stone. Her home is on the edge of the town, where things a less built-up and the city streets are a bit wider and less chaotic. Here one can even find peaceful moments or a path to escape to the outside of the city, where a few plots of farmers fields soon turn into jungle to the south of the city.


Tanzi is an herbalist. She supplies natural medications to whoever needs them, acting as both shopkeeper and, when necessary, doctor, helping those in need find the right herbs to sooth whatever health issues they might be facing. She grows her herbs in her shop through the use of a thatched roof that lets in sunlight and the occaisional rain. She cares deeply for her herbs and will spend hours tended to them each day, making sure that they are healthy and of good use to whoever might need them. She also goes collecting in the jungle to the south of the city in order to replace herbs that have been used up or died, as well as to seek out new plants to raise and sell.

Tanzi is someone who has embraced a new way of life and now lives her life entirely devoted to these new ideas and ideals. Due to upheaval in her youth the ended in the death of her father, she found herself rejecting the way of the world she had been taught from her youth: she could no longer follow the religion of the kingdom, nor could she remain in the palace associated with her father. So, she left it, and with it left most of what she had known. She was forced to reassemble her life entirely, to come to terms with changes and embrace new ideals practically overnight lest she be left with nothing. So, she found a spirituality with nature and now clings to it intensely. She knows that, if she loses it, she loses everything she has and all she has built, and so is devoted to it two-fold. Moreover, she has found that it gives her a strength she didn't knew she had. Tanzi is someone who needs something to believe in and will cling to whatever it is for dear life, devoting herself to it entirely.

Tanzi is a peaceful soul. Her new belief is in the value of life energy behind every creature in the world and, as such, has taught her to value everything. She takes long walks through the jungle just to appreciate the beauty of the nature she finds there. To her, everything is beautiful and worth admiration, her spirituality leading her to a place of peace and happiness. However, this leads her to be ungrounded. She fails to see things for what they are. She has blocked out the knowledge that the world and even nature have their bloodshed and selfishness, causing her to lose some grip on reality. She no longer takes any extra steps to protect herself, trusting the world to keep her safe though this is only likely to lead to her injury. She is not reckless but instead blind to danger. She trusts her spirituality with everything and does not stop to question the beliefs that she holds.

Tanzi is confrontational when it comes to her beliefs. She is someone who will rarely speak up in most cases, instead remaining passive or quiet in a situation. She does not know how to speak her mind very well, relying on emotions over logic or reason. However, she can be downright fiery when it comes to what she believes. She speaks up strongly against violence or manipulation of the natural world, and will even protest with like-minded individuals. She believes in peace over war and dislikes anyone who would prefer to fight it out. She prefers to remain in her comfort zone, finding others who think like her and clinging to them instead of challenging herself.

Tanzi believes in forgiveness. To her, it is important for one to be able to escape their past and let go of that which is holding her down. However, she is not future-oriented either, instead preferring to remain in the present. She believes that if one thinks too far ahead, they lose the now. She is honest, holding honesty as an idea. She is a pleasant shop keeper, making an effort to get to know repeat visitors and create a welcoming environment for all.

Tanzi was born into the grand city in which she now resides. Her childhood, however, was different from that of the common city citizen; her father was a close advisor of the king and thus a highly regarded noble in the kingdom. He held an authority less than that of the sun king but greater than that of the average person, on par with some of the clerics of the kingdom. He was protected, never leaving the palace without a guard to watch over him. Tanzi, being is daughter, was treated with much the same respect. She was protected, looked after as an important figure even though she was far from royal blood. Her family had wealth and power. At the time, it was the only thing Tanzi knew; she wore the finest of jewelry and knew the king personally through her father. She played with the royal family and became close with them.

However, when Tanzi was a teenager, her life flipped entirely. There was an insurgency against the king, a rise against the kingdom as a whole. A few of the high-ranking clerics rebelled against the system of appointing by bloodline; feeling as though their position as clerics forbidding them from having wives or children meant that the throne and power was being kept away from them. So, they rose against the king, intending to kill the king and his heirs and leave the kingdom in chaos. In the fight, Tanzi's father was killed. Though the clerics were quelled before they could harm the royal family, the damage was done, and Tanzi's family was broken.

Tanzi, formerly a believer in the sun worship of the kingdom, found her faith in question by this insurgency. How could the very priests sword to protect the sun's worship and lead the people in following the sun to be ones to try to kill the king, and kill her father in the process? How could one worship the life-giving son and choose to kill? Though the king offered his support to Tanzi's family, she could no longer be part of the palace life. She left, needing to find something else. The sun was no longer the center of her life and she could not remain in a palace devoted to its worship. She didn't need to flee far, finding an inn on the edge of the city to stay in while she processed what had happened and dealt with her grief. During her mourning she befriended a travelling herbalist who taught her a different kind of spirituality, an appreciation for nature's life and beauty, as well as the skills to act as an herbalist. When he continued to travel, she bought a small shop in the outskirts of the city and began raising her own herbs, often escaping to the jungle to appreciate the spirituality of the place and the beauty of the life within it.
