Amelia (Reference)



Art Reference Info
Personality / Posing
  • Amelia is a very quiet, closed off kind of person. She looks unhappy more often than happy.
  • If she does look happy, it tends to be in a more vulnerable state.
  • She's a pilot of multiple kinds of planes, but also flies in the air on her own wings plenty.
  • Her world is mildly steampunk with more advanced capabilities like AI androids.
  • She tends to keep her goggles around even when she's not flying a plane, because she likes flying on her wings with them.
Design Notes
  • If you draw her with her back in view, her jacket has slits - but feel free to use the 'magically ends at the clothes' drawing method as well.
  • Her ears are between bunny ears facing down, and goat ears. They do not stick up.
  • Her tail is closest to a golden retriever's tail.
  • Her hair is a dirty blonde - exact shade isnt important.
* Some images have additional clarifying info