


5 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Story to be rewritten/reworked



name SpiderHeart
age 1000+
gender Female (Can change)
pros She/Her or Any
s.o Bisexual
status Single
height 5'7
Birthday June 16th
species Fox / Shapeshifter
mbti ESTJ-T
align Chaotic Evil
Villain Of My Own Story - Unlike Pluto
image.png image.png image.png




Curious . Manipulator . Unmerciful

information about your character, you can add or remove as many paragraphs as you want, the cards scroll.

information about your character, you can add or remove as many paragraphs as you want, the cards scroll. lighter text colour versions.

information about your character, you can add or remove as many paragraphs as you want, the cards scroll.

information about your character, you can add or remove as many paragraphs as you want, the cards scroll.



height 5'7
weight 121 ib
build Hourglass?
hairstyle Either bun or short hair
eye colour Yellow
blood colour Red
flesh colour Pinkish
style content

design notes

Missing right eye
Inside of mouth is pink
Random feathers on body
Scars on her shoulder/back from where wings use to be



information about your character, you can add or remove as many paragraphs as you want, the card scrolls.

information about your character, you can add or remove as many paragraphs as you want, the card scrolls. lighter text colour versions.


  • Rain
  • Spring
  • Murder
  • Taste of blood


  • Most magic
  • BloodRose
  • Autumn & Winter
  • Other shapeshifters

with friends

information about how your character acts around / interacts with their friends, you can add or remove as many paragraphs as you want, the card scrolls.

with partners

information about how your character acts around / interacts with their partners, you can add or remove as many paragraphs as you want, the card scrolls.



// .

early adulthood

// .

current day

THE TO BE REWRITTEN STORY BEING HELD HERE SpiderHeart was born into a family of shapeshifters, and a litter of 2 pups, her and her brother Tarantula. She has 5 other older siblings from the two litters before her (Waspy, Dragonfly, Moth, Beetle, & Grasshopper). Her mother's name is Willow, her father's name is Spider. Her and Tarantula were very spoiled growing up. They got away with a lot and liked to do foolish stunts together. Stealing from other animals, tricking other animals into doing stuff for them, and such. Though as the two grew up, Tarantula grew out of this and settled down with a mate. On the other end SpiderHeart grew more and more arrogant and foolish. One day she messed with the wrong animal and got herself cursed. She was cursed to be immortal for the rest of her life unless someone killed her with the one item that could kill her. She laughed at this, thinking it was a joke, going on with her life. She ends up getting a crush on another fox and trying to get with him, though suddenly the forest was overrun with hunters. Everyone SpiderHeart loved and cared about all started being killed in front of her. She tried to do something about it, getting shot multiple times, when she realized she wasn't dying the horror set in on her about her immortality curse. After the murder of her family and friends was over, she buried them and spent years mourning. Years started going by fast. After she was over the deaths she started being foolish and messing with animals again, she was immortal so she had nothing to loose. Though that got repetitive and boring after a lot of years. She suddenly heard about the clans in the forest and their stories, and decided to join them for the heck of it. She ended up making a close friend named BloodScar. They.



Morana/BloodScar • Best friend •

Loved her was heavily jealous when she got together with some man. Was devistated when she died.


name • relationship •

here's an example of a longer description, the text will fill the space next to (& below) the image. it'll also move the divider down more. it can be as long as you want & you can add as many paragraphs as you want aswell:

like this, just add another "p" class!!


name • relationship •

here's an example of a short desc.


name • relationship •

to remove the description delete (everything between) the "p" class & delete the "hr" class!!