


9 years, 4 months ago



Orpheus and Othello come from a city called Shadowgate, located near the border of their country that was long ago reduced to all but rubble by war and poverty. Their country is built on a caste system, and being born on the bottom rung means survival is a constant struggle. The outermost cities are home to those of the lowest caste, and the middle cities are inhabited by the highest caste. There are very few ways to survive when you're at the bottom, with the most luxurious being taken by the higher castes from their home to work for them, being given food and housing as payment. Some less luxurious ways include theft, small jobs, and providing different types of illegal entertainment for members of the higher caste.

Most children of Shadowgate and other border cities become orphans at a young age. Orpheus was no different, and at seven had to quickly learn to survive. Without a shelter or means of getting food, he quickly withered away, and was on the brink of death when he was found and rescued by Othello. Othello slowly nursed him back to health, despite being orphaned himself with very little resources for even himself. Orpheus understood the sacrifices that Othello made, and vowed to pay him back however he could.

The two quickly became incredibly close friends, and as they grew into their teenage years, decided they wanted to be more, and began dating. They worked together to survive through smaller means, but were always barely scraping by. During a particularly bad winter, they were unable to find enough food and shelter, and understood they would not survive the winter. It was at this time that Orpheus discovered an underground fighting ring funded by members of the higher caste. Despite Othello's protests, he decided to sign up in order to make enough money to survive.

Orpheus quickly found his talent in fighting, using his street smarts to outmanoever and outsmart his opponents. The higher caste audience found great entertainment in this small-statured person being able to take on even the biggest of opponents. Othello's worries were lessened by the success Orpheus had in fighting, and all seemed well. The two were able to bring in enough money to make a somewhat comfortable living in their run down city, and enjoy their relationship without the constant fear of death.

Things eventually soured when a challenger named Senyi appeared that Orpheus was completely helpless to. He was terribly injured, being at the mercy of the brutality of the ring. Othello was the one to put a stop to the fight, throwing himself between the two and disqualifying Orpheus. Devastated by the turn of events, he carried Orpheus home, and nursed him back to health just like when whey were children.

Othello insisted Orphus quit fighting, but he refused, pointing out they would be on the streets again if he quit now. The two were visited by a retired ring fighter, who saw potential in the pair. He believed the two could escape their caste level, and said he would train Orpheus so he could keep fighting in real, legal tournaments. These tournaments would be much safer than the street fights, and could provide an actual career. He wanted nothing in return- his trainer simply asked they remember those left behind in Shadowgate.

The two agreed, the prospect of leaving Shadowgate behind lifting their spirits immensely. Orpheus underwent training, and eventually became skilled enough to join the legal fighting tournaments. He was wildly successful, becoming an instant celebrity, and managed to win enough tournaments to buy a real home in a better city. Othello decided to attend school to get a well-meaning job, but Orpheus was addicted to the immense amount of success he'd managed to attain, and quickly became cocky. He stopped visiting his trainer back in Shadowgate, becoming lax in his technique. Othello continuously insisted he take a break to reflect on things, but Orpheus enjoyed the rush of fighting too much. Eventually he would once again come face to face with Senyi, who had also made it to the legal tournaments. And once again, Orpheus would be be brutally defeated.

This defeat would quickly bring Orpheus back to reality. He showed his sincere regret of his actions to his partner and to his trainer. Orpheus expressed he wished to resume training. He took a break from tournament fighting, both to retrain with his trainer, and to strengthen his relationship with Othello.

A few years later, he would return to the stage better than ever. He blew through opponents, and would eventually face Senyi for the third time. After an intense fight that would leave the crowd on their feet, Orpheus would finally come out on top.

Orpheus would continue to fight for most of his career, although he became much more focused on Othello, and together they would eventually adopt several orphaned children from his home town, as well as using his own money to help rebuild Shadowgate to honour his trainer.



Othello (Childhood friend/Partner)