


5 years, 10 days ago



General Info

Name - Cloudears

Past Names - Cloudkit, Cloudpaw

     Prefix Meaning "Cloud" - For his fluffy fur

     Suffix Meaning "ears" - For his long, bunny-like ears

Rank - Warrior

Allegiance - Roseclan

Age - 46 moons

Sex - Male

Gender - Male

Pronouns - He/Him

Mentor - NPC

Apprentice - N/a



Positive - Charismatic, Hard-Working, Friendly

Neutral - Childish, Joking, Forgiving

Negative - Easily Disturbed, Gullible, Submissive

Summary (Optional) - Cloudears can be.. quite the prankster. He loves putting smiles on everyone's faces and will pull little pranks every once and a while to try and get even the smallest smirk. His pranks aren't malicious in any intent, as he doesn't want to cause harm emotionally or physically to any cat. While most cats would see Cloudears as extremely forgiving of any cat and their actions, he does not believe all cats can be redeemed, but he would never hope for harm on that cat's behalf, as he doesn't believe any cat should be punished painfully for what they've done.


Relationship Info

Romantic Orientation - Demiromantic

Sexual Orientation - Demisexual

Prefers - Anyone who he's gotten to know extremely well

Status - Single, Wants a long-lasting relationship




 - Cinderstorm


 - Waspleg


 - ???


 - None

Former Mate(s): None

Mate: None


 - None (Infertile)



Key Information


Breed - Munchkin/Teacup Cat Mix

Fur Type - Long, Fluffy, and Soft

Build - Extremely small w/ really short legs

Accessories - N/a

Bans - Domestic Breed, Bunny Ears, Male Calico

Other - He is tiny, not only did he get short legs, but he got a really small body as well, making him abnormally small. Please try to stay true to his height and size.



- DnD Alignment: Chaotic Good

- He has.. a lot of health issues. It is incredibly hard for him to hunt, and most cats refuse to let him out of camp on patrols of any kind. He doesn't like being looked down upon by the cats in this way, so he usually sneaks out of camp with his brother to explore.

 - The most extreme of a prank he's done is pretending he had no legs and crawling along the floor like a worm. It didn't really fool anyone, but it got a lot of laughs out of cats and he felt extremely happy seeing so many cats laugh at one of his pranks.