


5 years, 1 month ago


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name: hailstrike
age: 15
species: feline (maine coon)
gender: trans male (he/him)
Hailstrike, named "hail" after his hail-like white spots, and named "strike" after his untameable fur that looks like he was struck by lightning.

The first thing you'd probably notice about him is the clueless look in his eyes. It may look like there's nothing going on behind those eyes sometimes, but he's a very intelligent boy.
While he might be oblivious in most social areas, often missing social cues or having trouble listening to others, he's very adept at using his brain in other ways.
Sure, he may get distracted easily, and enjoys fidgeting with the your lapels on your coat, or needs you to repeat your sentence a few times, but once he's focused, there's no stopping him.

One of Hailstrike's best talents is identification. While he may not remember your face or the way you looked off the top of his head, he WILL be able to pick you out of a crowd, whether by recognizing your voice, your face, or perhaps even the way you walk.

Otherwise, he's a very social cat, and is one of the biggest fans of affection and cuddling. With his thick fluffy coat, he makes quite the excellent lap warmer.
Very expressive when talking, and prefers to gesture with his whole body when telling a story.