Luke Fireburst



5 years, 1 month ago


Name: Luke Fireburst
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Draconic
Height: 6ft 5in/200cm (~6ft 8in/~210cm counting the horns)
Marital Status: In a relationship with Audrey Geo
Powers/Abilities: Fire powers, ice breath

Character: Luke is happy and energetic and a little overly friendly. He has a compulsion to help people, which leads him to be too trusting of others and easily taken advantage of. He learned to be less trusting as he grew older, but he still has a poor judge of character, and he still compulsively helps people. He is also a bit of a pushover and had a hard time denying requests from other people. As a child, he had a lot of energy and would get fussy if he hadn't expended that energy in a long time, and was prone to boredom. As he reached his teenage years, the excess energy only made it harder for him to relax and fall asleep and a little more prone to mood swings. He is confident in his abilities and skills, but he understand his own limits and doesn't boast about them. However, he is also remarkably dense when it comes to expressions or idioms. He often takes them seriously or he doesn't know what they mean at all.

He lived a relatively normal life growing up. As normal as someone part of a rather rich and high-class family, anyway. But at the age of 5, he met a human boy named "Linus" at a foster home. He really took a shining to Linus and tried to befriend him. He was very happy when his parents decided to adopt him. He wanted a sibling! He was equally excited when he found out he was going to have a younger sister. He was all over her after she was born and would always want to take care of her. His parents very much appreciated his help. He always tried to encourage Linus to help as well, noticing his younger brother being a little too careful. Luke and his sister developed much more of a sibling rivalry as both of them grew older, meanwhile he and Linus would get along pretty much all the time. Regardless, he was just as fiercly protective of his sister as he was his brother. He loves his family a lot, especially his siblings, and will get very protective of them if they are harmed in any way. 

Luke was rather troublesome as a teenager. He was never mean or arrogant, but he was very easily angered, and he had a lot of mood swings. He also tended to keep his distance from his parents and only hang out with people around his age, and would get frustrated easily with his parents. The only other family member he hung out with was Linus, because he was around the same age. He argued with them a lot and it very often escalated into shouting that would go nowhere. He would pester his sister for no reason other than to make her angry. The only person who he would ever give up arguing with was with his brother, Linus because he never sounded interested enough to continue the argument. He still loved his family and would be the first person to jump to their defense if necessary, he was just worried about being seen as childish or "uncool" if he was seen hanging out with anyone in his family other than his brother. He is very ashamed of this period of his life and hates it when it's brought up. Unfortunately, his family and friends absolutely love to bring it up so he never can live it down.

But once he got out of his troublesome teenage years, he mellowed considerably and became the friendly, optimistic, and active person he used to be. But he also became less naive and was less trusting of strangers, and became more assertive and capable to stand up for himself and others if he has to. He’s still a huge doormat though.

Luke has fire powers he inherited from his mother and ice breath that he inherited from his father. He is very proficient in using his fire powers, and his ice breath is cold enough to put out fires. 

Extra Info: Luke Fireburst was born to two Draconic parents on July 7th. He was initially assumed to be dead since he hatched out of his egg while asleep, but thankfully, he woke up very shortly after and started crying.