


5 years, 1 month ago



Full Name: Jett Hyun-jin Park

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: 31 y/o

Height: 6'2" (~189cm)

Occupation: Doctor

Ethnicity: Korean

Sexuality: Bisexual

Birthday: June 6th


Polite and professional, Jett takes on a confident, responsible persona. He is normally quite calm and soft-spoken but will not hesitate to toughen up and do his job. He is organized, private, and values having control and stability. But while he may seem like a natural born leader, he is quite private about his insecurities that have stemmed from his childhood trauma.

His need for control is one of the main characteristics that define him as a person. As someone who treasures stability, he despises feeling like he has no control over a situation and will do anything he can to gain it. He dislikes being commanded and prefers to do things on his own terms. He is also extremely perfectionistic--while he is open to try new things, he easily becomes disappointed and frustrated with himself if he isn't good at it, even if it's on the first try.

While he has trouble confiding in others, he is extremely loyal to the people he trusts. He dislikes conflict and tries his best to be open-minded and understanding to his loved ones, willing to forgive (but not forget). However, he doesn't take bullshit and will cut off ties with people if he deems that their relationship isn't worth salvaging or is otherwise a waste of time and energy. As a result, he has few friends and believes in quality over quantity.

He isn't outwardly passionate about most things, but he does have a strong moral righteousness for justice and will urge others to stand up for themselves.


- Because his abusive parents were both extremely religious, he dislikes talking about religion and especially dislikes being preached to. He often sees religion as an excuse to commit violent acts or manipulate people to their will. While he may not dislike religion itself, he will be quick to show that he is not interested.