
5 years, 1 month ago


A fearless and intimidating yet sympathetic figure, Jordan has been fighting to free her country from the control of the Wuthering Empire for much of her life.  She keeps the Resistance going with a drive that can only come from someone with a personal duty to fulfill; her dedication goes beyond merely caring about others and her homeland, but few know why.  Though Jordan is fierce and proud, she is also wise, and knows to pick her battles, though she often finds herself worrying that she will never be able to do enough to save her home.

- Leader of the Resistance movement working to take down James and topple the Wuthering Empire

- Organized and negotiated with a network of spies in the Empire, one of which was Nate

- Hopes to find her parents and free them from James' control, as they were taken by him when she was a child

- huge risk-taker

- futch q u e e n

- Has a dark sense of humor