
8 years, 1 month ago


(name pronounced wē-lof or we-laf, either’s fine)


Being the half-orc son of two farmers was too simple. Though he loved them 3000, both his fathers were rather boring in their motivations, content with farm life and encouraging him towards it as well. Little did the half orc know that they purposely buried their past adventuring life behind them, something he would soon grow to learn.

One day, the son was out “gathering firewood” as he always did (as in going out and exploring the forest without his fathers’ knowledge, pretending he was an adventurer). He happened upon a lake and—spotting something below the surface—decided to dive in, happenstancing upon an underwater cave. For once, something interesting! At least, that was his thoughts until he discovered a broken arrow, lost and covered in dust over the years it had been forgotten. And yet, the half-orc managed to recognize it somehow.

Despite his obviously horrible accuracy, his dad still kept the skill of making arrows for the emergency of winter or robbers. Being taught how to wield both bow and sword should the need ever arise, his son would know his dad’s craftsmanship anywhere—there was no mistaking this one.

Deciding to further explore the cave in the hopes of more clues, the half orc soon found himself staring straight at a portal splitting open the fabric of reality to another realm. An evil sorceress (a woman who would have looked mighty familiar to his fathers had they been there) appeared exiting the portal and somehow spotted him hiding in the shadows. Damn darkvision. She also sees the arrow he had picked up, and suddenly becomes enraged by it, for some reason. They end up in battle. Being the least experienced of the two, he loses, and she ends up enchanting him with the curse of turning into an eldritch beast whenever the sun leaves sight of the sky.

Now he has to deal with finding out his fathers’ pasts and defeating the sorceress in the hopes of convincing her to lift the curse, with both being equivalent in their nigh impossibility.