Hashimoto Koishii



5 years, 1 month ago



Hashimoto Koishii.

  • Name Hashimoto Koshii
  • Age Twenty Two
  • Height 5'4 or 162.56 cm
  • Occupation College Student
  • Sexuality Hella Gay
  • Personality

  • She’s kinda sarcastic and fake egotistical and always spiraling into some depressive episode. She's constantly going too far and realizes only after she's said something she didn't mean, tens to avoid others thanks to this.

  • Appearance

    She’s got two horns and she a little salty hers come out of her forehead instead of her crown. She's got half white, half black hair, the side with white hair, she's got a black eye, on the other side its milky white with no pupil. She has great vision.

  • Likes She likes to draw and to write, her favorite form of painting is spray painting, She loves girls, she's written poems and sonnets about her love for them.
  • Dislikes The way she and her brother were compared. The piano. Doing laundry. sitting still. Her unmatched hair.
  • Backstory

    Has an older brother named Jio, he’s 26 and does something in art. She’s kinda frustrated at his talent with normal paints, she loves him but it feels like she’s letting him down not following his footsteps. She doesn’t see him often..

  • Name Nashimoto Jio Relationship Brother

    He loves his younger sister, but she's a brat. Jio loves the violin, he was incredibly grateful when Koishii got him one for his last birthday. She spraypainted it and made it his. He's annoyed that she's avoiding him.

  • Name Hashimoto Chloè Relationship Mother

    She doesn't quite understand Koishii, while she loves and supports her, she's confused why she's so rebellious at her age. She's saddened when she's shown the unfairness in how she raised them and tries to right it..

  • Name Hashimoto Ryusei Relationship Father

    He is even less understanding then their mother. When Koishii was a child he felt like he was very close with her. After she began taking up the piano, she would hide in her room and avoid everyone. He has anger at Jio and Koishii for not following his footsteps as an author.

  • Question Do all of them have horns?

    Yes. It's a common trait that some have, others might have tails or extra eyes. It is said to have developed overtime to aid in their survival.

  • Question Does Koishii hold any resentment towards her parents?

    Whilst she wouldn't call it that, she has a lot of emotions towards them. She feels abandoned, that she was never good enough for them. So quick answer is a yes.

  • Question Does anyone else have heterochromia?

    In the immediate family, no. Somwhere along the lines in her mothers side of the family, yes. .

  • Question Does she still play the piano?

    Yes.Really late at night, she'll go to the corner of her room and play. She usually ends up crying after.

  • Trivia
    • ● Her favorite color is red.
    • ● She only wears black and white. Maybe red on special occasions.
    • ● Likes androgynous fashion. Wears a lot of sports shirts and leather jackets.
    • ● Smells like strawberries and vanilla, pretends like she doesn't enjoy it..
    • ● Took one of her brother's jackets when he moved out. Keeps it in the back of her closet, Jio knows about it.
    • ● Still has her wisdom teeth.

profile html by Hukiolukio