


5 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info




was once a mortal who had unwittingly been selected as a vessel for an old god's will. divinely imbued with a maddening drive to create a beast out of marble, forced to torturously work without rest or sustenance. finally, after countless days and an endless flow of blood sweat and tears, the work was complete and the mortal was allowed their final rest. throughout the process however, the gods kinder sibling had been observing, unable to interfere. upon the mortals death they felt a deep pity for them and, rather than allow their soul to drift to its next unknowable destination, thought it best to place them in the statue theyd worked themselves to death making.

Its movements perfectly imitate those of a biological creature, including subtle visuals like muscle moving under the skin and breathing. Touching it reveals it to be cold and solid. Can 'bleed' and 'cry' water, 'bleeding' out is not a concern since the water they generate is merely a representation of blood and serves no practical purpose. body is also self healing, all scratches, cuts, and cracks will repair themselves with time. should an entire limb be lost it will eventually regrow back in full.

what actions have what effects on his body depends on his own expectations at the given moment. for example, should someone attempt to stab him with a sword it will either fail to do anything or it will stab through him as if he were flesh and blood if that's what he expects to happen. these experiences while incredibly painful are technically harmless, though they do increase the likeliness of recurring due to a reinforcement effect

body composed of gold, marble, and ivory (for the teeth, maybe claws too)

(pronounced "kai-zer" or "kai-sar" bc im a doofus)

can be drawn feral (canon) or anthro (au)

surprisingly intelligent, greatly enjoys solving puzzles and loves getting into things they know they shouldn't.