


5 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info




Name Eva
Age 22
Gender Female
Race Faun
Role Spirit Witch (Ranger Corps)


  • Cooking
  • Helping people
  • Dessert
  • Family (includes friends)


  • Scary things
  • Being afraid
  • People she cares about getting hurt
  • When they forget whipped cream on her pie

superstitious . bisexual . introverted

Growing up she was mistaken for a tiefling, looked at funny, and became known as the quiet superstitious girl who was afraid of everything. She is no longer that same person, and has grown quite a lot since she initially joined hte corps.

She never talks about her reasons for having joined the Ranger Corps, but there was more than just one.

Shortly after her childhood crush left to join the corps, she joined as well. She never saw her crush while she was in training, but on one of her days off she did meet someone. The two became quite close quite quickly, her first and only actual romantic relationship.
For their training they were sent on a mission, meant to give them a taste of what they would be up for once in the corps. She felt off as they headed their, but thoguht it was just nerves. Upon arrival they came face to face with a man who had gone into a violent rage, and had even killed someone. They were able to quickly dispatch the man. She went over to try check on teh person that had been killed, and to her horror it was the person she had come to love.
The corps made her take a leave, as well as therapy to get her back into shape to join the corps again.
Very few people know of what happened, and even fewer know that it was her and that she took the training program twice.

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