Teagan Woods



5 years, 1 month ago


Age: 23 years

Birth Date: February 24th

Gender: Male

Weight: 143 pounds

Height: 5’11”

Romantic & Sexual Orientation: Demiromantic Pansexual


Religion: Christianity 

Spoken Languages: English and Spanish (Bless HS Spanish classes!)

Occupation: College Student majoring in Interior Design


Social, friendly, and outgoing. He likes trendy and hip sorta things and loves being in the know.

Likes & Dislikes

+Chickens +Going on long drives with Daisy +New and Chic Eateries +Farmer’s Markets

-Eating Chicken bc he loves Daisy -Mainstream Music (He doesn’t HATE it, but it’s just so overplayed that he just doesn’t like any of it) -Places with bad vibes because their interior is dull etc. -Beets


- Has a Chinese Silkie Chicken that’s a beige/light brown color. Teagan has affectionately named her Daisy. 

- Pronounces Caramel as “Car-uh-mel” vs. “Care-uh-mel.”

- A bottomless pit. He can eat A LOT. The only thing he doesn’t eat is chicken because of Daisy. 

- Drives a motorcycle. He attached a sidecar to his motorcycle because he takes Daisy with him almost everywhere. 

- The glasses make him seem smart, but he’s honestly just an average joe in terms of grades. 

- Listens to indie/rock/alternative types of music. Non-mainstream wwww.

- Knows how to weave/sew bc he spent a lot of time with his grandma, Agostina, as he grew up and before she passed away.