☆Asteria Starcaller☆



5 years, 1 month ago


★Asteria Starcaller★
Age [24]
D.o.B    [10/12/1994]
Species [Kirin]
Gender [Female]
Occupation [Warrior]
Likes✔  [Sweets, soft things, quiet places]
Dislikes✘ [Enclosed spaces, dense crowds, being away from home too long]
★ B I O ★

Asteria is a kirin created from stardust, born to drive back the darkness on Earth. Her kind are able to summon celestial weapons that burn with the fires of a star, her preferred weapons being blades. Amongst her kind, she's well reknowned not only for her ferocity on the battlefield, but her kind and gentle demeanor off it. It was very safe to say that everyone from her village loved and looked up to her. But with adoration, breeds jealousy, and her two closest friends fell prey to that. They cared for her, but it ate them alive, the darkness in the world slowly consuming them. By the time anyone had noticed, it was too late, there was no turning back from them, enticed by the power darkness brings. Asteria took it upon herself to end the problem she technically created. She slayed her friends, and as their bodies laid there, cold and limp, she took her blade and carved the two shooting stars into her chest. It was to represent her two friends, fallen from grace, but also to remind her what happens when you get too close to people. Asteria has maintained her kind personality, but if you were to ask anyone, they'd say they feel like they no longer truly know her.