


9 years, 5 months ago


Information applies to Carrot ABC.

Name: Anjuu
Height: 5'11 (180 cm)
Appearance: Skinny
Age: 12 (HE: 20)
Gender: Male, but quite androgynous
Personality: Chirpy/Curious/Bouncy/Sweet/Adorable/Soft-spoken/Studious/Guillible/
Liar/Nervous/Shy/Low Self-Esteem/Sensitive/Distrustful/Stepford Smiler/Clingy
Species: Lion Nonhuman
Affiliation(s): Night Court
Occupation(s): Programmer/Hacker
Combat Roles: Controller/Puppeteer (doesn't really fight though)
Affinities: Mind/Technology
Power Level: D

Intro: A rather nervous and shy fellow, Anjuu is also very sweet and friendly, though how much of that is his real personality and how much of it is acting depends on how he's feeling at the moment. Experience has taught him to be a good liar. But his family have helped Anjuu to become less masked and more sound of mind and happy. 

Hobbies: Gaming/Programming/Hacking/Digital Art/Plushie & Costume Making/Reading Comics/Watching shows/Eating sweets/Learning

-Sweets, oh so much
-Sour candies
-Food really
-Hugging tiny Caesa
-Amazing feats of programming
-Winning at games

-Himself on bad days
-Feeling weak
-Being alone
-Loud, intimidating people
-Flopping on programming
-Bitter foods
-Getting sick

-Looks like he could be of either gender, with the way he acts and dresses not helping matters either.
-Has a giant sweet tooth.
-Has a high pain tolerance due to the suffering he experienced at his owners' and trainers' hands.
-Engages in self-harm behaviors when feeling particularly downed or stressed out to cope.
-Capable of dissociation at the same level as Caesa's.
-Absolutely enjoys draping himself over the shorter Caesa.
-Enjoys being petted and cuddled, and doesn't give a flying flip if this is due to his conditioning, it feels so nice and relaxing. He has had enough of being starved of positive attention.
-Lowwww self-esteem, and still somewhat subservient.
-Sometimes still views Night Court as a dream.
-Has made everyone in Night Court a plush by now.
-Has little interest in learning how to fight or training, it scares him too much.
-Has sold some of his games and crafts under a human guise.
-Likes dressing androgynously.
-Afraid of dogs because the first owner he had, his dog bit Anjuu hard on the leg out of territorial defense. The fear has lessened since to a fear that won't produce panic attacks.
-Fairly nervous around humans, recalling the way he has been treated and raised. On top of that, his conditioning to obey inches back and makes his head hurt from the confusion.
-While some people coped with life by reading books, Anjuu found games and computers and became fascinated with their programming, the weaker half of his hacking ability only making him even more interested. Several years of studying and experimenting later, he has become very good with making up games and programs, aided along by talking to the surly computers. Niel won't let him hack into the bigger systems like global ones however, worried about detection from the programs and technopaths and technomancers.
-Gets very upset if he is having trouble with what he is learning or working on, makes his low self-esteem plummet even more.
-While decent in both aspects of hacking, he's slightly better with inorganic targets.

Hacking - Can hack both living and nonliving things. He must stare into the person's eyes or at the object in question though.
Living - Can either hack remotely or assimilate into the person's body, much like possession. Weak-willed people will be unlikely to be capable of resisting while stronger-willed people may feel like something is off or possess capability to fight back. While inside, Anjuu can read through the person's memories much like browsing files in a computer. He can also control them and incorporate the host's personality. The longer he stays in someone's body though, the more strenuous it becomes. Remote hacking on the other hand, is not as tasking and not as easily detectable, however it weakens in strength as the distance between Anjuu and the target widens. Anjuu's control is also weakened if he is disturbed by the victim's mind.
Nonliving - Can hack into things that have an electrical current or are capable of possessing one, such as inactive appliances. Once hacked, Anjuu can control the object remotely or inside of it, and thus do things like make toast...  He can also move into computers as if there is a world in there and hack into them by walking around firewalls and scanners. He can also do the same on the Internet. Is a bit more proficient with nonliving targets, finding them easier to understand and process. However, Anjuu sticks mostly to using his ability to control small appliances such as toasters and microwaves to go about their tasks and make food.
Note: He cannot hack the dead, they have no life or electrical current to speak of.

Machine Talk - Capable of talking to machines as if they were alive, and hearing their 'thoughts' like whispers in his mind if he focuses. Talking is one thing though, convincing the appliance to make toast that is not burnt is another. Anjuu sometimes fails at getting the machines to work with him, and just listens to them gossip instead.

Increased Hearing

-Basic fighting proficiency (Niel managed to get SOMETHING in at least)
-Really good at programming, makes quite a few of Night Court's recent programs and apps and designs games for the children
-Pretty good with making digital art, not so good with traditional.
-Also great at making costumes and plushes, does custom orders sometimes.

-Poor at fighting
-Weak of strength and skills due to being unwilling to train
-Poor depth perception due to loss of eye

Anjuu was actually born into slavery, bred and raised to become a pet. At three years old however, his left eye became blinded and destroyed when a drunken trainer got frighteningly and unexpectedly violent and handsy with him. Anjuu's worth went down as a result, which his trainers didn't like and pinned the blame entirely on him, punishing him with beatings and lack of food. As a result, he developed low self-esteem and feelings of worthlessness, along with a heightened fear of people. Anjuu was eventually sold at a discounted price to an owner who took great pleasure in continuing the poor treatment of the boy, feeding him little and hitting him often, citing the lack of worth the child presented and how fortunate he was that someone even wanted him. This only twisted Anjuu's perception of himself further, and helped him to develop a case of Stockholm Syndrome out of gratitude that someone would want him. He also quickly learned to lie while living with his owner, the man not interested in hearing that Anjuu was indeed in pain and hunger from the abuse, hitting the child until he learned to say otherwise.

The owner eventually sold Anjuu off to another buyer after a year year however, citing that he had grown bored with the boy. He had cried (and gotten beat by his new owner as a result) for days, feeling like he must have utterly failed his previous owner to make him despise the boy enough to sell him, and how it was too late to fix it now. Anjuu felt he clearly needed to do a better job at being a pet, and did his best to make this new owner want to keep him forever, even if he beat and starved Anjuu and touched the boy in scary places. And it worked for a while, Anjuu doing his best to be an amazing pet even if he was of substandard quality. But only a year and several months later, he was sold again to a lady, cracking the boy's heart into more pieces of agony and confusion. By this time Anjuu gave up. He was clearly worthless, since the last two owners had not wanted to keep him. This new one would probably sell him off at some point too. Anjuu again did his best to please the lady, who truly treated him like a pitiful pet, petting and crooning as she made him act like a large cat or dog. This owner didn't beat him or starve him, but she took great pleasure in whipping him on occasion and feeding him mostly dog and cat kibble. And after that, when he had recently become six, she grew bored with Anjuu and sold him off.

Niel had bought him and took him deep into Nysa. And had hugged the terrified and confused boy as he took off the collar and revealed his true form, explaining that Anjuu was safe now. The boy didn't believe him at first of course, fully expecting to be sold off after a year or two had passed, and was constantly trying to please the man he viewed as his new owner. But as the years passed beyond one and two, and Anjuu saw Niel bring home more abandoned and abused children and people, he grew to realize the sincerity of Niel's words. That he was possibly, finally safe and with a family that wanted him to live with them, forever. Anjuu still has feelings of inadequacy and often feels like this is a dream he will wake up at some point, but is able to ignore them for the most part, distractng himself with games and sweets in a reality that seems like fantasy.

Caesa - Views the peryton as his big brother. Niel brought them into Night Court around the same time, and while Anjuu was younger by seven years, with their 'father's' help and suggestion and their similar experiences, the two bonded and grew close. Anjuu is the only person Caesa allows to tackle and glomp him, with anyone else trying (aside from the tiny children) generally getting thrown and attacked. Aware that Caesa seems to have a poor amount of hobbies and would otherwise be in a tree staring at wildlife if no one bothered him, Anjuu is constantly giving the man hugs and making sure to invite him to hang out and play games if so desired. Anjuu wishes he would talk more though! Needs to get out of the shell a bit more...pot calling the kettle black though.

Ithelyn - The dragon took care of him and Caesa when they were brought in, and often held Anjuu when he woke up crying from nightmares or simply burst into tears from mental duress. Ithelyn also helped Anjuu come to terms with his shattered self, and slowly assemble the pieces together into a more cohesive unit that has a greater sense of self-worth. Anjuu loves her, like one might with a big sister who seems amazing and unstoppable and fierce. The two often like to plan out new jewelry designs and then sit together and chat while making the ornaments.  

Niel - Sees the fairy as his father-figure. Still has trouble with the conditioning he went through however, and even nearly a decade later, still feels like he will be punished if he causes Niel trouble and does his best to be a good son to the man. Niel for his part is very understanding of Anjuu's troubles and has helped the boy to slowly break free from his conditioning and traumatic past, and become a happier and healthier person in the process. There is one thing he cannot stand about Niel though: His clothing. With Ithelyn's help, the two have helped the fairy to dress more modern.