


5 years, 1 month ago



Celia Martin

18 ✦ Female ✦ Human ✦ Lesbian ✦ Single

I will return a hero.


Celia is an adventurer who hopes to be able to return to her village a hero. She was born to a typical family of bakers in a relatively small village. Helped by the fact that she was one of the only young female bachelorettes around, her intelligence, as well as her good looks, she was sought after by many of the village boys. However, she had distaste for all of them and rejected every advance. Her family wishes to marry her off one day, preferably sooner than later, an idea that fills Celia with dread.

Not one to accept her fate, Celia decides to leave her village and discover what more there is to find in life, much to the dismay of those hoping to win her over one day. With no formal training, she leaves with a sword in tow and not much of a plan on where to go next. After overhearing some stories about a local hero a town over, she decides that the best course of action is to return to her home village a hero.


Celia is a slender girl with pale skin and dark blue eyes. She has long black hair that she likes to maintain and keep shiny and healthy despite the fact that it gets in the way of fighting. She is the type that might look plain looking next to a princess, but among the common folk she is considered a beauty.

  • Girls
  • Adventure
  • Heroism
  • Skincare
  • Self-improvement
  • Boys
  • Compliments
  • Ordinary life
  • Cooking
  • Imperfection


Celia is a confident girl who wants to explore the world before she settles down. She is always striving for improvement, so she practices with the sword regularly. She is also quite interested in raising her survival skills; she can never quite get the hang of cooking, however. Furthermore, she tries to take time for her appearance, maintaining her shiny long black hair, but finds herself embarrassed when people complement her looks as she does not want to come across as vain. She is very kind to others but her confidence paired with her inexperience can come off as an ego to others, so she sometimes has a hard time winning people over. Regardless, her wanderlust and desire to help others makes her fit for the "hero" title that she desires.


A mage girl whom Celia met early during her travels. She is quite shy and opens up to Celia slowly; despite, or perhaps because of this, Celia begins to form a crush on her.

Celia's home village

Celia was quite popular among her peers at her home village. With her striking appearance, many of the village boys (as well as their mothers) tried to win Celia over in hopes of making her their wife. Most of the townspeople were disappointed when she decided to leave.


Celia's childhood best friend and apprentice at Celia's family bakery. A true kind spirit who looks out for Celia as much as Celia looks out for her. Is secretly a tad relieved when Celia leaves, however, because of the guilt she felt for apparenticing under Celia's parents after Celia proved unlikely to take over the family business.

profile html by Hukiolukio